Date: November 5, 1999

Sunset Review: November 5, 2003

SUBJECT: Treasury Strategic Management Manual

1.     PURPOSE. This Directive authorizes the issuance of Treasury Department Publication (TDP) 31-01, "Treasury Strategic Management Manual."

2.    STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT MANUAL. This Directive authorizes the Deputy Chief Financial Officer (CFO), in coordination with the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Strategy and Finance), to prescribe and publish TD P 31-01,The Treasury Strategic Management Manual. The manual provides instructions on strategic planning, the formulation and justification of annual budget estimates and performance plans, budget supplementals and amendments, budget execution, performance reporting, and related legislative requirements. This document shall be issued as a separate publication by the Deputy CFO and made available through the Office of Financial and Budget Execution. Any references to Treasury Directive (TD) 31-01 shall be deemed to include this Directive and TDP 31-01.

3.    DEFINITION. The strategic management process consists of a disciplined effort to:

    a.    Set strategic goals and priorities for the long-term;

    b.    Set annual performance targets;

    c.    Manage and budget to achieve those targets; and

    d.    Systematically report on annual performance results.


    a.    The Deputy CFO is responsible for publishing and distributing the Strategic Management Manual and for the content of the budget execution guidance contained in the Manual. The Deputy Assistant Secretary (Strategy and Finance) is responsible for the content of the strategic planning, budget and performance plan formulation, budget justification, and annual program performance reporting portions of the Manual, and for advising the Deputy CFO of subsequent revisions.

    b.    The Deputy Assistant Secretary (Administration), the Heads of Bureaus, the Inspector General, and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, as it relates to their respective bureaus and offices, shall designate an official to establish procedures which ensure the preparation and timely submission of materials required by the Treasury Strategic Management Manual.

    c.    The Deputy CFO and the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Strategy and Finance) are responsible for providing assistance and advice to bureaus regarding instructions incorporated in their respective portions of the Manual.


    a.    Treasury Order 102-13, "Delegation of Authority Concerning Budget Matters."

    b.    Public Law 103-62 (1993), codified in relevant part at 5 U.S.C. 306 and 31 U.S.C. 1115-1116, "Government Performance and Results Act of 1993."


    a.    Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11, "Preparation and Submission of Budget Estimates."

    b.    OMB Circular A-34, "Instructions on Budget Execution."

7.    CANCELLATION. Treasury Directive 31-01, "Treasury Budget Manual," dated July 31, 1992, is superseded.


    a.    Office of Financial and Budget Execution, Office of the Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer.

    b.    Office of Budget, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Strategy and Finance), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer.

    c.    Office of Strategic Planning and Evaluation, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Strategy and Finance), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer.

Nancy Killefer
Assistant Secretary for Management
And Chief Financial Officer