Date: November 15, 2001

Sunset Review: November 15, 2005

SUBJECT: Radio Frequency Management

1. PURPOSE. This Directive sets forth policy for radio frequency management within the Department of the Treasury.

2. POLICY. It is the policy of the Department of the Treasury that:

a. The electromagnetic spectrum be recognized as a limited natural resource that should be used efficiently (e.g., through the use of shared frequencies and interoperable equipment within communities of interest);

b. Radio frequencies are authorized only for justifiable operational requirements when acceptable alternatives are not available;

c. Funds are not obligated for the development or procurement of equipment that uses the radio frequency spectrum until the requirements of paragraph 34.3, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11 has been satisfied;

d. Any use of the radio frequency spectrum allocated to the Federal Government shall be in accordance with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management (NTIA Manual) and each frequency must be authorized by NTIA;

e. All radio frequency emitters under control of the Department of the Treasury shall be properly authorized/licensed;

f. Any use of non-Government public safety radio services frequencies for cooperative law enforcement, or other liaison activities, shall be in accordance with applicable provisions of the NTIA Manual as follows:

(1) Part 7.12, "Use of Frequencies Authorized to Non-Government Stations under Part 90 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules;" and

(2) Section 8.3.3, "Coordination of Frequencies Used for Communication with Non-Government Stations Licensed Under Part 90 of the FCC Rules."

g. Spectrum dependent devices shall not be used outside of the United States and Possessions without prior authorization from the national spectrum regulatory body and;

h. Departmental Offices (DO), bureaus, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) shall ensure that personnel are protected from radiation levels that exceed generally accepted exposure criteria.


a. DO, bureaus, the OIG and TIGTA may use assigned/allocated Federal radio frequencies as necessary to accomplish their respective missions pursuant to pertinent frequency authorizations.

b. Frequency authorizations are obtained by submitting proposals, in Spectrum XXI format, to the Wireless Programs Office (WPO) staff, Office of the Chief Information Officer. Frequency proposals are processed and forwarded to NTIA by the WPO staff in accordance with procedures outlined in chapter 9 of the NTIA Manual. Upon approval of the applications, the frequency authorizations will be recorded in the NTIA’s Government Master File (GMF) and the requestors are legally authorized to use the frequencies pursuant to the technical and operational parameters listed on the frequency authorization.


a. DO, bureaus, the OIG, and TIGTA shall have equal authority to use Treasury Common on a shared basis anywhere in the United States and Possessions, except within a 50-mile (80 km)radius of the District of Columbia.

b. Use of this frequency within a 50-mile (80 km) radius of the District of Columbia must be coordinated in advance, on a case-by-case basis, with the WPO staff.

c. Treasury Common is primarily authorized for mobile and portable operations, including low power surveillance operations.

d. DO, bureaus, the OIG and TIGTA must submit written justification and receive written approval of the Chief, WPO prior to utilizing Treasury Common in fixed base or repeater configurations.

e. DO, bureaus, the OIG and TIGTA may utilize Treasury Common to communicate with other Government agencies or non-Government Public Safety Radio Services (PSRS) stations, for the purpose of interoperability or coordination under the following conditions:

(1) Treasury Common is necessary for intercommunications or coordination with other Government agencies or non-Government PSRS stations;

(2) A memorandum of understanding (MOU) has been executed between DO, bureaus, the OIG or TIGTA with the other agencies or non-Government PSRS stations concerned, and written documentation of this arrangement has been submitted to the Chief, WPO. Each MOU must state that the Department of the Treasury may withdraw authority to operate on Treasury Common at any time; and

(3) All operations on Treasury Common by other agencies or non-Government PSRS stations under the provisions of this Directive are restricted to the same purposes for which Treasury Common is normally authorized to Treasury stations in that:

(a) Operations shall be conducted in essentially the same geographical area as those of the Treasury station;

(b) Operations shall be conducted consistent with the applicable rules and regulations specified in the NTIA Manual;

(c) Operations shall be subject to immediate termination if harmful interference is caused to the service rendered by the Treasury station;

(d) Other agencies or non-Government PSRS operations on Treasury Common shall not restrict, in any way, the expansion of the services for which Treasury Common is assigned; and

(e) All MOU's will specify general technical criteria that other Government agencies or non-Government PSRS stations must adhere to when operating with Treasury radio stations, such as frequency, emission, bandwidth, power, station class, operating area, clear voice or encrypted operations, and period of authorization (not to exceed five years).

f. Use of Treasury Common will not be permitted without a frequency assignment authorized by the NTIA for the specified location or area.

5. NON-GOVERNMENT PSRS FREQUENCIES. DO, bureaus, the OIG and TIGTA may utilize radio frequencies assigned to non-Government stations under 47 CFR Part 90, Subpart B, (Public Safety Radio Pool) under the following conditions:

a. Frequency use is necessary for intercommunication or coordination with non-Government PSRS stations;

b. A MOU, or other such letter of authorization, has been concluded between DO, bureaus, or the OIG, and TIGTA and the PSRS station involved and written evidence of this arrangement has been submitted to the Chief, WPO, for further coordination with the NTIA and FCC; and

c. A frequency authorization has been processed and approved by the NTIA.


a. DO, bureaus, the OIG and TIGTA land mobile or aircraft earth terminals may subscribe to commercially offered MSS services on condition that the services are provided by FCC authorized service providers in accordance with paragraph 7.23 of the NTIA Manual and 47 CFR Part 25, Subpart B (Satellite Communications). All other MSS radios may be used under the blanket license awarded to the appropriate MSS service provider by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

b. DO, bureau, the OIG, and TIGTA users wanting to activate International Maritime Satellite (INMARSAT) terminals shall forward all pertinent technical data to the WPO staff after acquiring the INMARSAT terminal(s). The WPO staff shall draft the activation package and forward to COMSAT Mobile Communications, Inc. in accordance with procedures outlined in the NTIA document, "Federal Government Applications for INMARSAT Commissioning," or subsequent replacement document.

7. RADIO INTERFERENCE. Harmful interference to authorized radio operations should be telephonically reported to the WPO staff, for appropriate action. Follow-up reports should be submitted on TD F70-04.8, "Radio Interference Report" or equivalent form. Interference to U.S. stations by radio stations in Mexico are reported in accordance with procedures outlined in Section 8.2.30 of the NTIA Manual.

8. STANDARDIZED SOFTWARE SUPPORT AND PROCESSING. DO, bureaus, the OIG and TIGTA have adopted the Spectrum XXI software program, or its successor, as the Department’s standard automated spectrum management tool, effective May, 2001. The program standardizes frequency and equipment data, frequency nominations, reviewing and processing digital agendas and performing other functions that directly impact the Department, as well as establishes a standard frequency application procedure. Use of Spectrum XXI will be in accordance with the Department of the Treasury Spectrum XXI Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

9. OTHER SPECTRUM USE. Questions regarding the use of other wireless/radio services, specialized mobile radio service, maritime channels, and airborne radar systems, etc., shall be coordinated with the Wireless Programs Office staff, for determination of frequency authorization/licensing requirements and to ensure compliance with NTIA and/or FCC rules for such authorization and/or licensing, as may be applicable.


a. The Chief, Wireless Programs Office shall:

(1) Manage the radio spectrum interests and functions of the Department;

(2) Designate a Treasury representative to the IRAC and its subcommittees as appropriate;

(3) Ensure that the requirements of the NTIA Manual are adhered to within the Department; and

(4) Provide training, policy and procedural guidance for Departmental electromagnetic spectrum management.

b. The Deputy Assistant Secretary (Information Systems) and Chief Information Officer, Bureau Directors, the Inspector General and the Inspector General for Tax Administration, as it relates to their respective bureaus and offices, shall:

(1) Designate a Radio Frequency Coordinator and an alternate to serve as liaison to the Wireless Program Office;

(2) Issue the necessary guidance to meet the provisions of this directive;

(3) Ensure compliance with the requirements of the NTIA Manual and Departmental guidelines and procedures, particularly with respect to Part 8.2.6 and Annex F concerning the Five-Year Review Program;

(4) Submit information pertaining to frequency applications, or modification of existing assignments, as specified in Chapter 9 of the NTIA Manual, to the WPO staff.


a. 47 U.S.C., the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.

b. 47 CFR Part 90, "Private Land Mobile Services," Subpart B, "Public Safety Radio Pool."

c. 47 CFR Part 95, "Personal Radio Services," Subpart B, "Family Radio Services."

d. 47 CFR Part 25, "Satellite Communication."


a. Treasury Memorandum, Subject: Adoption of Spectrum XXI for Frequency Management, dated April 9, 2001.

b. Executive Order 12046, "Relating to the Transfer of Telecommunications Functions," dated March 27, 1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 158, (43 FR 13349).

c. NTIA Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management, as amended, which prescribes policies, standards, and procedures for federal radio frequency management.

d. OMB Circular A-11 (Revised), "Preparation and Submission of Budget Estimates."

13. CANCELLATIONS. TD 86-02, "Radio Frequency Management," dated September 1, 1998, is superseded.

14. OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST. Wireless Programs Office, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Information Systems) and Chief Information Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer.

James J. Flyzik
Acting Assistant Secretary for Management
and Chief Information Officer