Date: June 13, 1990

Sunset Review: TBD

Expiration Date: TBD

SUBJECT: Mail Management Program

1. PURPOSE. This directive states Department of the Treasury policy and assigns responsibilities for mail management as required by Federal Information Resources Management Regulation (FIRMR).

2. POLICY. It is the policy of the Department of the Treasury that incoming mail shall be processed and delivered promptly and correctly, and that outgoing mail shall be dispatched rapidly, accurately, and at a minimum cost.


4. PROGRAM OBJECTIVE. The objective of the Mail Management Program is to provide rapid handling and accurate delivery of mail throughout the Department at minimum cost by:


6. CANCELLATION. Treasury Directive 26-01, "Department of the Treasury Mail Management Program," dated August 14, 1980, is superseded.

7. AUTHORITY. FIRMR Subpart 201-45.107, "Mail Management."

8. OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST. Office of Information Resources Management, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Information Systems, Office of the Assistant Secretary (Management).