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The Carbon Sequestration Newsletter

July 2001

This newsletter is produced by the National Energy Technology Laboratory and presents summaries of significant events related to carbon sequestration that have taken place over the past month.


Sequestration in the News
  • New York Times The June 17 edition of the New York Times contains an article on carbon sequestration in geologic formations, Strategy has a Greenhouse Gas Bottled Up Under Land and Sea. The article mentions President Bush's support of carbon sequestration technologies, the $15 million Southern Saskatchewan project in Weyburn oil fields, and the reactions from environmental groups. Go to the New York Times to find the article by entering "Weyburn" on the web site's search feature.
  • National Public Radio (NPR) On June 12, 2001, the NPR morning edition aired a report by Richard Harris on Carbon Storage. The report highlights the recent success of the First National Conference on Carbon Sequestration and the views from oil companies and the environmental community on this technology. Interviewees in the report are David Keefe from Carnegie Mellon, Dale Heydlauff from American Electric Power, Gardner Hill from British Petroleum and David Hawkins from Natural Resources Defense Council. To obtain a summary of the radio transcript, go to National Public Radio and enter "carbon storage" in the search criteria.
  • Remarks by President Bush On June 11, President Bush spoke from the Rose Garden on "an effective and science-based approach to addressing the important issues of global climate change." Supporters of carbon sequestration found the following excerpt from the President’s remarks very encouraging. "America's the leader in technology and innovation. We all believe technology offers great promise to significantly reduce emissions -- especially carbon capture, storage and sequestration technologies." See the President’s remarks in their entirety at the White House website.

Events / Announcements
  • Proceedings from The First National Conference on Carbon Sequestration From May 14-17, 2001, the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) sponsored the First National Conference on Carbon Sequestration in Washington DC. Over 400 people attended to hear technical presentations from over 150 scientists and researchers. 
  • Revamped Web-page NETL recently redesigned their sequestration web page. It contains new information about the program and links to other sequestration-related sites. 

  • The June issue of Chemical Engineering Process magazine featured an article, Carbon Sequestration: An Option for Mitigating Global Climate Change, by Robert L. Kane from the U.S. Department of Energy and Daniel E. Klein from Twenty-First Strategies. The article is available on the Chemical Engineering Process magazine web site.

Legislative Activity Related to Carbon Sequestration
  • Senator Ron Wyden Supports Carbon Storage in National Forests On May 3, 2001, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) introduced bill S.820 (cosponsored by Senator Larry E. Craig (R-ID)). The bill amends the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to support carbon sequestration. The bill is focused primarily on terrestrial sequestration. Click here for a copy of the bill and enter bill number in search criteria. 
  • Senator Sam Brownback Introduces Three Bills Promoting Carbon Sequestration On April 24 and April 26, 2001, Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS), introduced three bills promoting carbon sequestration:
    • Bill S.765 amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a carbon sequestration investment tax credit (cosponsors: Senators DeWine (R-OH), Lugar (R-IN), and Reid (D-NV)).
    • Bill S.785 amends the Food Security Act of 1985 to require the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a carbon sequestration program to permit owners and operators of land to enroll the land in the program to increase the sequestration of carbon.
    • Bill S.769 promotes carbon sequestration within the Department of Com merce by implementing a panel to promote the role of carbon sequestration as a means of slowing the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (cosponsors: Senators Byrd (D-WV), Kennedy (D-MA), Reid (D-NV), DeWine (R-OH), and Lugar (R-IN)).

      Obtain the full bills (by entering the bill number in search criteria) at THOMAS World Wide Web System.