Dear Ms. Harrington:

I am writing today to urge you to consider granting an exemption for
nonprofit organizations in the FTC's proposed national "Do Not Call" list.
As Executive Vice President of World Wildlife Fund - an organization that
devotes the resources of more than 1.2 million Americans to protecting our
planet from environmental destruction - I am extremely concerned that this
action will place undue restrictions on the ability of our membership to
support and take part in our conservation work, both here and around the

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) uses professional telephone solicitations to offer
individuals the opportunity to renew their annual support, as well as to
make special gifts to help confront environmental emergencies. The speed
with which we are able to reach our concerned members with requests for
assistance makes this method especially useful in addressing an emergency
situation, and it is equally effective in allowing people to support our
ongoing environmental actions. The proof of this is that, over the course of
the year, we raise over $1.4 million in this way.

Replacing the income attained from these tele-fundraising efforts would be
extremely difficult, if not impossible. More importantly, it would restrict
our ability to reach our donors in the case of some future environmental
disaster, and deny them the opportunity to help in cases where the very
survival of protected species, wildlife areas, or other vulnerable life on
our planet may hang in the balance. This is not, I believe, the intention of
the FTC.

Thank you for your consideration on this important matter.


Deborah Hechinger
Executiive Vice President