FTC: Made In The USA Comments Concerning Courtney W. Aydelotte--P894219


Federal Trade Commission

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish to voice my opinion on the proposed changes to the requirements of the "Made in USA" label.

I am against changing the requirements as they stand now. It is important to me to buy products made in this country so that what factories we have left will stay here and not move overseas. I look for the “Made in the USA” label every time I shop.

Rather than change the “Made in USA” label I suggest adding the category “Assembled in the USA” instead. That way those of us that care to buy products made here rather than just assembled here can make an informed decision.

Anything less than the truth is a lie. Is there anyone in Washington, DC. willing to stand for truth?


Courtney W. Aydelotte
Rt. 3, Box 695L
Lumberton, Tx. 77657

(409) 755-6531