FTC: Made In The USA Comments Concerning James Kasmer Sr.--P894219

Made in the USA Policy Comment
Office of the Secretary
Federal Trade Commission
Room 159
6th & Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20508

June 30, 1997

I write at this time regarding the proposed changes to the understanding of what "Made in the USA" means.

It is my understanding that for each manufacturing job, there are five to seven related jobs created. We are concerned about the trade deficit. Lets look at what has happened, I believe it is a spiraling decline in our approach to economic stability. As the US manufacturers relocated abroad seeking to lower costs and therefore increase profits, the American consumer has directly or indirectly suffered and as a result is subsequently forced to buy foreign made products (when foreign made is cheaper) because they do not have well paying jobs which would allow them to purchase “Made in the USA” products. Many simply fail to understand (when prices are the same) that in doing so, they further reduce the opportunity for well paying jobs with healthcare and retirement and the ability to purchase quality American products.

While the employees in many of the countries that now produce goods that are imported to this country have seen little or no improvement in their standard of living, corporations and middlemen make huge profits, for in many cases, just coordinating orders.

The media has informed us of the deplorable working conditions that exist in not only the foreign countries that most of these products come from, but occasionally from right here in our own country. Conditions that most Americans thought ended in the early 1900's.

Companies in certain countries are know to excel in the manufacture of specific products and everyone should have the option to purchase these products, however those countries should also allow their citizens to purchase “Made in the USA” products. When our nation lead in manufacturing and American made equipment and products were imported by foreign markets the U.S. was a nation to be reckoned with. Now with the manufacture of so much outside our borders, if some world crisis were to take place, I fear our nation would not be in control of its destiny, we would be at the hands of our suppliers.

I buy “Made in USA” products because of the reasons mentioned herein, but also because I know that “Made in the USA” products are a symbol of quality, products made by my neighbors and countrymen. It means that they can have meaningful employment that will hopefully pay a wage that enables them to buy a home, raise a family, be productive citizens and retire in dignity.

We wonder why citizens don’t participate in elections, things like the FTCs' consideration to weaken the laws concerning what “Made in the USA” means is exactly the problem. Instead of consideration to dilute the requirements for the use of “Made in The USA” it should be strengthened. Constantly companies are being caught for taking labels out of products and replacing them with “Made in the USA”, why, because it means so much to so many. Not just the pride in our nation, but as stated earlier the knowledge that we are helping our neighbors, our country and in the long run ourselves, because whatever we do for work we will be forced to lower our standard of living if we cannot afford to buy the products we make, just like the workers in foreign countries.

Please wake up and do not lower any standards for “Made in the USA”. As Americans you owe it to the citizens of this country to protect the American way of life and the American dream.

Than you for your attention and consideration to this request.

James Kasmer Sr.
12400 S. McVicker
Palos Heights, IL 60463 -1829
(708) 385-9034

cc: IL Senators and Congress