FTC: Made In The USA Comments Concerning Debra Newman--P894219

1579 Sherwood Way
Eagan MN 55122

Made in the USA Policy Comment
Office of the Secretary
Federal Trade Commission
Room 109
Sixth and Pennsylvania Av NW
Washington DC 20580

6 June 1997

Dear Secretary:

As a consumer, I disagree with the proposal to change "Made in the USA" label guidelines to give less precise data as to place of manufacture than is presently required. If data is to be provided on labels, then it should be as accurate as possible. Honest labeling in regard to content, directions for usage, or manufacturing locations should not be relaxed or diluted to allow manufacturers or retailers to give consumers less information. Allowing dishonest claims as to manufacturing location seems to support distribution of inaccuracies.

I believe the present standard for manufacturers to state "Made in USA of imported parts" or "Assembled in name of country from US parts" is more honest for consumers. The purpose of labels at the time of sale is for consumers, is it not?

Therefore, as a consumer and a U.S. citizen, I do not agree with the proposal to change the "Made in the USA" guidelines. I believe it would allow inaccurate data to be provided to consumers.


Debra Newman

Debra Newman