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Congressman Mike Rogers - Representing Michigan's 8th Congressional District   Congressman Mike Rogers - Representing Michigan's 8th Congressional District
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Providing America’s Energy Needs


Price increases at the gas pump, and the electric meter affect all Michigan families as they drive to work, operate their small business or take their children to school. 

Affordable and Responsible Fuels:

If we are going to reduce our dependence on gasoline, the first step is to use less of it in our cars.  The existing Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) system, which requires all automakers to meet an average fuel economy standard, has had mixed success in actually reducing American gasoline usage.  For that reason I have supported legislation that would transform the CAFE system from a simple average to an attribute based system that requires all vehicles to meet a minimum fuel economy standard based on the best achievable standards.

In Michigan we have the opportunity to lead America into a clean energy future where we would dramatically reduce gasoline consumption.  That is why I have introduced legislation creating a loan guarantee program to spur development and production of alternative fuel vehicles like GM’s Volt.  I am committed to working to unleash the creativity of Michigan's automotive engineers, designers and workers to create an entire new world where clean, green cars run for hundreds of miles without using gasoline.

Even as we work to use less gasoline, we need to make sure that the gas we do use comes from people and places we can trust, and not from those who fund terrorists.  That is why I support efforts to explore for American energy here at home, in an environmentally responsible way, in places like Alaska and far off our national coastlines.  American companies and American workers have the world’s best safety and environmental record.  By exploring for American energy here at home, we can finally have secure, affordable and much more environmentally- friendly gasoline.

Cleaner Electricity:

Rising electricity bills are also a significant problem for millions of Americans.  Concern about global warming and the need for diverse and affordable choices for how we create electricity means that we need to take a serious look at all of our choices.

That is why I have been a consistent supporter of research and development into clean coal technology.  The majority of American’s get their electricity from coal today, and in Michigan we are one of the leading coal-consumers in the nation.  Coal is also an abundant resource in the United States.  Finding a better way to use coal is essential to any affordable and environmentally responsible energy future.

I also believe nuclear energy should continue to play a role in our energy strategy.  With appropriate safeguards in place, much of Europe, Japan and the United States have found success with nuclear energy as an electricity source that emits no air pollution or green house gases.  Further, new research into reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel could reduce the possibility of having to build numerous spent nuclear fuel repositories such as that currently being constructed at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.

Finally, I believe we must continue to support the development of alternative resources like wind, hydropower and solar power.  That is why I have supported tax credits for homeowners and others who make use of our renewable resources.

We can all agree that eliminating our dependence on foreign oil, and creating a cleaner environment are important goals.  But they are also difficult goals to reach.  That is why I am focused on unleashing the innovation of the American economy so that we can all have a greener and more secure energy supply. 


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