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Fighting Hunger | Print |
mk_turnip_two.jpg Gleaning is collecting the left-over crops from farmers’ fields once the produce has been commercially harvested or when it is not economically profitable to harvest. The produce on gleaned fields would otherwise get plowed under. Congresswoman Kaptur believes gleaning presents an opportunity to help the needy, especially those suffering from hunger in these dire economic times. Thus, Congresswoman Kaptur invites and urges any person to lend a helping hand in gleaning efforts.

Gleaning is a chance to get fresh produce to the neediest in our community who regularly can not afford to buy this product fresh. Toledo Seagate Food bank has seen requests for assistance increase by 65%. At the same time, due to economic hard-times, donations are down exponentially. Gleaning offers one more solution to help feed the over 20,000 people served by Toledo Seagate Food Bank.

Let us take this chance to gather food that would simply go under the ground. Gleaning opportunities are open to the public. If you would like more information on how to volunteer, please contact Toledo Seagate Food Bank at 419-244-6996. Your dedication to help our community is appreciated and needed.

If you can not help this season, Toledo Seagate Food Bank welcomes you to volunteer at the Food bank throughout the year. In the spring, they will help plant seeds to grow produce, for the next harvesting season to start at the end of July.

Nothing will be wasted this year. We plan glean, or to pick the extra food left in fields after harvest, to help feed the hungry in our area. To date, Toledo Seagate food bank, in conjunction with their volunteers corps have gleaned 134,812 lbs of food this season. Additionally, on Saturday, November 1, 2008, 17843 lbs of apples were gleaned. Please follow Congresswoman Kaptur’s lead and help gather produce to donate to the Toledo Seagate Food bank. 

Below are pictures of our outing to Zemnecki farm in Oregon.
