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Argonne Leadership Computing Facility

Official dedication of the ALCF, April 21, 2008
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The ALCF provides the computational science community with a world-class computing capability dedicated to breakthrough science and engineering.  It began operation in 2006 to coincide with the award of the 2006 INCITE projects and the research being conducted at the ALCF spans a diverse range of scientific areas - from studying exploding stars to designing more efficient jet engines to exploring the molecular basis of Parkinson’s disease.

ALCF teams provide expertise and assistance to support user's projects to achieve top performance of applications and to maximize benefits from the use of ALCF resources.

The resources at the ALCF are an IBM Blue Gene/P system nicknamed Intrepid and Surveyor, a BG/P system. Intrepid possess a peak speed of 557 Teraflops and a Linpack speed of 450 Teraflops, one of the fastest supercomputers in the world.  Intrepid’s configuration features 40,960 nodes, each with four processors or cores for a total of 163,840 cores and 80 terabytes of memory.   Surveyor has 1,024 quad-core nodes (4,096 processors) and 2 terabytes of memory and is used for tool and application porting, software testing and optimization, and systems software development.
Additional information>


IBM Blue Gene/P
IBM Blue Gene/P SuperComputer

Of Interest:

Take a virtual tour of Intrepid, the IBM Blue Gene Supercomputer...

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility makes it easy to be 'green'...


Argonne LCF Web Site
Argonne LCF Fact Sheet
ALCF Wins The High Performance Computing Challenge
Beckman Named ALCF Director
Contact the ASCR Program Manager
LCF Program Manager
ASCR Program Manager
Barbara Helland
Department of Energy
SC-21.1 (Germantown Bldg)
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585-1290
Office of Advanced Scientific  Computing Research
Phone: (301) 903-3127
Fax: (301) 903-7774

Molecular modeling of Parkinson's disease.  Research findings at the ALCF offer insight into the disease

  Dignitaries at the ALCF dedication       

Page Updated:  December 19, 2008 
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