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The Daily Leader - Steny Hoyer
majorityleader.house.gov · (202) 225-3130

House Meets At…
Last Vote Predicted…

10:00 a.m.: Legislative Business


Fifteen “One Minutes” Per Side

  6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Suspensions (22 Bills):

1)     H.R. 6456 - To provide for extensions of certain authorities of the Department of State (Rep. Berman – Foreign Affairs)

2)     H.Con.Res. 361 - Commemorating Irena Sendler, a woman whose bravery saved the lives of thousands during the Holocaust and remembering her legacy of courage, selflessness, and hope (Rep. Schakowsky – Foreign Affairs)

3)     H.Res. 1266 - Congratulating Albania and Croatia on being invited to begin accession talks with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and expressing support for continuing to enlarge the alliance (Rep. Gallegly – Foreign Affairs)  

4)     H.Res. 1279 - Recognizing the Special Olympics' 40th anniversary (Rep. Terry – Foreign Affairs)

5)     H.Res. 1370 - Calling on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to immediately end abuses of the human rights of its citizens, to cease repression of Tibetan and Uighur citizens, and to end its support for the Governments of Sudan and Burma to ensure that the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games take place in an atmosphere that honors the Olympic traditions of freedom and openness (Rep. Berman – Foreign Affairs)

6)     H.Res. 1351 - Expressing support for the United Nations African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) and calling upon United Nations Member States and the international community to contribute the resources necessary to ensure the success of UNAMID (Rep. Chabot – Foreign Affairs)

7)    H.Res. 1008 - Condemning the persecution of Baha'is in Iran (Rep. Kirk – Foreign Affairs)

8)     H.R. 6604 - To amend the Commodity Exchange Act to bring greater transparency and accountability to commodity markets, and for other purposes (Rep. Peterson (MN) – Agriculture)

9)     S. 3352 - To temporarily extend the programs under the Higher Education Act of 1965. (Sen. Reid/Kennedy – Education and Labor)

10)   H.Con.Res. 296 - Expressing support for the designation of August 2008 as "National Heat Stroke Awareness Month" to raise awareness and encourage prevention of heat stroke (Rep. Boozman – Energy and Commerce)

11)   H.Res. 896 - Primary Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month Act (Rep. Baca – Energy and Commerce)

12)   H.R. 6432 - Animal Drug User Fee Amendments of 2008 (Rep. Pallone – Energy and Commerce)

13)   H.R. 2851 - Michelle's Law (Rep. Hodes – Energy and Commerce)

14)   H.R. 1108 - Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (Rep. Waxman – Energy and Commerce)  

15)   H.R. 4040 – Conference Report on Consumer Product Safety Modernization Act (Rep. Rush – Energy and Commerce)

16)   H.R. ___ - Employee Verification Amendment Act of 2008 (Rep. Giffords – Judiciary)

17)   H.Con.Res. 358 - Commending the members of the Nevada Army National Guard and Air National Guard for their service to the State of Nevada and the United States (Rep. Heller – Armed Services)

18)   H.Res. 415 - Honoring Edward Day Cohota, Joseph L. Pierce, and other veterans of Asian and Pacific Islander descent who fought in the United States Civil War (Rep. Honda – Armed Services)

19)   H.Res. 1248 - Recognizing the service of the USS Farenholt and her men who served our Nation with valor and bravery in the South Pacific during World War II (Rep. Ellsworth – Armed Services)

20)   H.Res. 1316 - Honoring the service of the Navy and Coast Guard veterans who served on the Landing Ship Tank (LST) amphibious landing craft during World War II, the Korean war, the Vietnam war, Operation Desert Storm, and global operations through 2002 and recognizing the essential role played by LST amphibious craft during these conflicts (Rep. McGovern – Armed Services)

21)   H.R. 3957 - The Water Use Efficiency and Conservation Research Act (Rep. Matheson – Science and Technology)

22)   H.R. 2339 - The Produced Water Utilization Act of 2007 (Rep. Hall (TX) – Science and Technology)


H.R. 6599 - The Military Construction and Veterans Affairs FY09 Appropriations bill (Rep. Edwards (TX) – Appropriations) (Subject to a Rule)



* Conference Reports may be brought up at any time.

* Motions to go to Conference should they become available.      

* Possible Motions to Instruct Conferees.