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I will give you credit for that one…

Have I mentioned to you lately that the GMR has a Lending Library? Max chuckles softly to himself.

Anyway.  I wanted to let you all know about some continuing education opportunities - you can even do them in your pajamas if you want!

In our Lending Library (did I mention that we have a Lending Library already?), there are many opportunities for you to view past MLA Webcasts and still earn MLA CE Credit for watching them, and ultimately evaluating them.  After you send the evaluation back into our office, I send a message to MLA letting them know you participated in that CE activity.  I will then send you a certificate.

Here is a list of the items currently available for viewing and CE credit:

  • Sync or Swim: Managing the Flood of PDAs in Health Care (1.5 MLA CE credit available)
  • Get HIP to HIPAA (1.5 MLA CE credit available)
  • Safeguarding our Patrons’ Privacy: What Every Librarian Needs to Know about the USA Patriot Act & Related Anti-Terrorism Measures (3.0 MLA CE credit available)
  • Reading Between the Lines: Focusing on Health Information Literacy (2.0 MLA CE credit available)
  • Roles and Essential Skills for the Expert Searcher (2.0 MLA CE credit available)
  • The Art and Practice of Electronic Journal, Book and Database Licenses (3.0 MLA CE credit available)
  • Keeping Patients Safe (2.0 MLA CE credit available)
  • Partnering for Public Health: Information , Librarians, and the Public Health Workforce (2.0 MLA CE credit available)
  • Moving at the Speed of Byte: Emerging Technologies for Information Management (2.0 MLA CE credit available)
  • Survival of the Fittest: Strategies to Prove your Library’s Worth (2.0 MLA CE credit available)
  • Scholarly Publishing and Open Access: Straight Talk (2.0 MLA CE credit available)
  • Web 2.0 Principles and Best Practices: Discovering the Participatory Web (2.0 MLA CE credit available)

Coming soon:

  • Survival Tips and Stories: Expanding the Library’s Services in Times of Disaster (2.0 MLA CE credit available)

To search for these items, you can type in a keyword from one of the title in Power Search, and even specify the MLA CE collection as your search criteria.

Let us know how you like the GMR Lending Library and if you have any suggestions for additional titles.

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