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Scientific Grand Challenges Workshop Series
Engaging science communities to discuss scientific
grand challenges and the role of scientific computing

ASCR is planning, in partnership with the other Science programs, a series of collaborative meetings, each focusing on the grand challenges of a specific scientific domain and the role for scientific computing in addressing those challenges.  The primary goal of these meetings is to engage the relevant scientific communities in a dialogue to identify the opportunities and challenges ahead and the role for scientific computing and multi-disciplinary partnerships.

Each meeting will be limited to approximately 50 technical leaders in the field of extreme scale computing, with a highly focused agenda targeted at identifying ways to overcome the most challenging technical issues and establishing a list of actionable recommendations. Each meeting will produce a report that will be available to the broad scientific community. 

Please contact ASCR if additional information is necessary.


Schedule and Additional Information
Disipline Date Location Chair Co-Chair
Climate Science Nov 6-7, 2008 Washington, DC Warren Washington
High Energy Physics Dec, 9-11, 2008 SLAC Roger Blandford
Young-Kee Kim
Norman Christ (Columbia)
Nuclear Physics Jan 26-28, 2009 Washington, DC Glenn Young
David Dean
Martin Savage
(U of Washington)
Fusion Science March 18-20, 2009 Washington, DC Bill Tang
David Keyes (Columbia)
Nuclear Energy May, 2009 Washington, DC Robert Rosner
Ernie Moniz
Biology Spring, 2009 TBD Rick Stevens
Mark Ellisman
Material Science
and Chemistry
Summer, 2009 TBD TBD  


Page Last Updated:   January 9, 2009  


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