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Annual Solar Thermal Collector Domestic Shipments
Table 2.2    xls   pdf   format     2007 Solar Thermal Annual Report

Table 2.2 Annual Solar Thermal Collector Domestic Shipments, 1998 - 2007
(Thousand Square Feet)
Year Solar Thermal Collectors1
1998 7,396
1999 8,046
2000 7,857
2001 10,349
2002 11,004
2003 10,926
2004 13,301
2005 14,680
2006 19,532
2007 13,777
U.S. Total 116,870
1Total shipments minus export shipments.
Notes: Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding. Total shipments include those made in or shipped to U.S. Territories.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-63A, "Annual Solar Thermal Collector Manufacturers Survey."