Sponsored Research and Faculty Development
           West Chester University

Old Library, Room 101
West Chester, PA 19343
tel:  610.436.3557
fax:  610.436.2689


Welcome to the Office of Sponsored Research and Faculty Development

Dr. Michael Ayewoh, Office of Sponsored Research & Faculty Development and Dr. Mitch Malachowski, Chemistry at the University of San Diego. Dr. Malachowski was the lead Coordinator of the Nov 30- Dec 1, 2007 Regional Workshop on Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research by the National Council on Undergraduate Research.
The overall mission of the Office of Sponsored Research and Faculty Development (OSRFD) at West Chester University of Pennsylvania (WCU) is to appropriately and adequately support and enhance the WCU 'teacher scholar model' that is inclusive of effective teaching, scholarship and/or professional development, student-faculty scholarly engagement, and internationalization initiatives. This mission involves the provision of administrative oversight, stewardship, technical expertise, and business-related functions that will assist faculty and staff in the identification, cultivation, and processing of appropriate federal and state grants. This mission also includes the monitoring, for assurance, of university-wide compliance with appropriate federal, state and other funding agencies' policies, procedures and regulations, regarding sponsored programs.