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ABCs of DNA: Unraveling the Mystery of Genetics Information for Consumers


Further Reading

  1. Baker, C. Your genes, your choices: exploring the issues raised by genetic research: an online book. 1999.

  2. Hartwell, et al. Genetics: From Genes to Genomes. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 2006.

  3. Lyon, J, Gorner, P. Altered fates: gene therapy and the retooling of human life. W.W. Norton, 1996.

    This is an excellent layman's introduction to the facts and implications of the Human Genome Project and its logical conclusion, gene therapy.

  4. McGee, G. Beyond genetics: putting the power of DNA to work in your life. William Morrow, 2003.

    Scientists are about to offer reproductive choices beyond our imaginings, cure diseases and feed billions more people-all while making astonishing amounts of money from "our" genes. In rapid-fire chapters packed with references to news stories and scientific studies, McGee outlines new developments in genetic testing, gene therapy and genetically modified food organisms.

  5. Mitchell, JA, Fun, J, McCray, AT. Design of Genetics Home Reference: a new NLM consumer health resource. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2004; 11: 439-447.

  6. Mitchell, JA, Logan, RA, et al. Genetics Home Reference: a report to the Board of Scientific Counselors. The Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications. Technical Report LHNCBC-TR-2005-002. May 2005. pdf icon

  7. Narins, B. The Gale encyclopedia of genetic disorders. Thomas Gale, 2005.

    An A-Z guide to genetic disorders, each entry includes a definition and a description of the disorder, genetic profile, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

  8. Resnik, DB, Vorhaus, DB. Genetic modification and genetic determinism. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2006; 1:9.

  9. Robinson, TR. Genetics for Dummies. For Dummies (Math and Science), 2005.

  10. Teichler-Zallen, D. Does it run in the family?: A consumer’s guide to DNA testing for genetic disorders. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1997. A geneticist tackles the basics of genetic disorders and genetic testing and provides clear questions to ask health care professionals.

  11. Wynbrandt, J, Ludman, MD. The encyclopedia of genetic disorders and birth defects. 2nd ed. Facts on File, 1999. Over 600 disorders are covered with an emphasis on providing outcome, prenatal detection and association and support group information.


Ethics in Genetics 

Gene Genie: a medical student’s journal inside genetics and medicine. 

Genetics and Health

The Personal Genome