NN/LM Moodle

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Distance Learning opportunities from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM).

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  • Want to improve your consumer health collection and services? Interested in improving your reference skills for providing health information for the public? Then this class is for you. Starting with a discussion about the information seeking behaviors of consumers, the class focuses on the provision of consumer health information services for the public. We will also cover health literacy, planning the service, the reference interview, consumer health online, collection development, collaboration, community partnerships, outreach and marketing. Students will also learn about how to stay up to date on consumer health librarianship.
  • This online course is intended for faith community nurses and health ministers. It will introduce concepts about the importance of being familiar with web-based health information, provide an overview of reputable web sites, and illustrate how to evaluate web-based health information for quality
  • Looking for the latest developments in patient care but finding too much, too little or inadequate information? This online course is for nurses, nursing students and faculty, and librarians interested in information services for Nursing and Allied Health professions. Participants will learn to use and evaluate web based health information resources for professionals and consumers, including online news services and continuing education opportunities. Participants will also learn to search the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE database of over 18 million citations using the PubMed interface and become familiar with MedlinePlus, the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer health information. This is an online, asynchronous, instructor-led class using Moodle.

  • This class covers resources for learning basic, library, medical, and Internet Spanish vocabulary. Participants will also learn to identify and evaluate health websites in Spanish in order to better serve a growing population of Spanish speakers.
  • Thinking about how to promote your services and reach out to more people? Want to learn how podcasts can help and how to make your own? This hands-on class is designed to provide a fun yet informative introduction to podcasting and how you can utilize this technology in your library services, to enable your users to access the information whenever they want, wherever they want and however they want it. Basic steps and suggestions on how to make a podcast will be covered and students will be able to enjoy hands-on practice on popular audio recording and editing software and make their first personal podcast!
  • This course examines business processeses that may be brought into the library and includes Project Management, Time, Money, Resources and Change Management.

Site news

Picture of Admin User
Common technical support issues for the NN/LM Moodle
by Admin User - Monday, 17 November 2008, 12:15 PM
  A common issue involves lost passwords. Each Moodle account has a unique UserName (the "nickname" you use when you log into the Moodle) which is tied to a unique e-mail address. That is necessary so the system can send you a new password when you need one. If you create a second account for yourself, you will be required to set it up with a different e-mail address than your first account. Sometimes there are good reasons to create a second account, but for most users, one account is probably best. Don't create a second account, for example, just to avoid dealing with a forgotten password. The system can help you create a new password by sending information to your registered e-mail address. If that fails for some reason, contact your instructor for help. The Moodle administrators will try to help you and your instructor to fix your account so that you can continue to use it for all your normal Moodle purposes, with the e-mail address of your choice.

Sometimes people forget the UserName they created in the NN/LM Moodle. We can recover this information for you. Rather than create a new account, just ask your instructor for help.

A few people have had trouble staying logged into the NN/LM Moodle. Here are some tips from two people who found solutions:
  • I'm in now. This was a pop-up blocker problem.
  • For some reason, the computer was not logging me out of the class and every time I went back in, it took me to a screen shot of the original. By going under tools on the top bar, choosing internet options at the bottom of the list, deleting the cookies and files under temporary internet and clearing the history, I got rid of whatever was happening. As soon as I hit refresh I got the whole course! Maybe other people could fix their problems the same way.
Picture of Maureen Czujak
Prerequisites for attending a Moodle course
by Maureen Czujak - Wednesday, 30 August 2006, 05:15 AM
  • A computer with Internet access
  • A modern browser such as Internet Explorer 6, Netscape 7+, FireFox
  • If applicable, Instructor access to a course--obtain registration key from Instructor

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  • 17 Nov, 12:15
    Admin User
    Common technical support issues for the NN/LM Moodle more...
  • 30 Aug, 05:15
    Maureen Czujak
    Prerequisites for attending a Moodle course more...
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