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Geothermal Heat Pump Domestic Shipments by Customer Type and Model Type
Table 3.6     xls   pdf   format     Geothermal Heat Pump Shipments

Table 3.6.   Geothermal Heat Pump Domestic Shipments by Customer Type and Model Type, 2006
(Total Rated Capacity Tons)
Customer Model Type
ARI-320 ARI-325/330 Other Non-ARI Rated GHP's Total
Exporter 6 153 47 206
Wholesale Distributor 10,895 86,402 33,045 130,342
Retail Distributor 0 83 1,483 1,566
Installer 19,415 54,872 8,434 82,721
End-User 0 0 331 331
Total 30,316 141,510 43,340 215,166
NA=Not Available
Note: "Export" in Table 3.5 and "Exporter" in Table 3.6 are different. "Export" refers to shipments outside of the country, while "Exporter" is the type of customer.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-902, "Annual Geothermal Heat Pump Manufacturers Survey."