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Emergency Preparedness in the GMR

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine has selected emergency preparedness as a major focus for the current contract. In Spring 2008, some of you received a baseline Emergency Preparedness Assessment survey about your level of preparedness as well as your barriers to preparedness. From a random sample of 117 GMR member libraries, 65% responded to the survey. Here are some highlights:

  • when asked if the library has an emergency preparedness plan, 63% of respondents said “No” or “Don’t Know”
  • a similar question about the existence of a salvage/recovery plan to address emergency-related damages to the library yielded a 77% response of “No” or “Don’t Know”
  • 45% said the library has no role to provide library/information services as part of the emergency preparedness plan of its parent institution and 22% don’t know
  • barriers to the library’s ability to develop emergency plans include limited staff time (64%), limited knowledge about emergency planning (58%), lack of funds (33%), and lack of need (25%)
  • when asked about types of support that NN/LM could offer to better prepare libraries to respond to an emergency, 64% selected training in emergency preparedness and response, 72% selected assistance in developing continuity of services/operations plans, 71% picked training in how to enhance the library’s role in the institution or community, and 50% needed assistance in forming partnerships with other libraries for back-up services during emergencies

The GMR has appointed an Emergency Preparedness Working Group to assist us in addressing some of the needs of member libraries. In addition to GMR staff, the Working Group consists of the Regional Emergency Preparedness Coordinators designated within each of our ten states.  You can expect to hear more from your state’s Regional Coordinator soon.  They are:

  • Illinois: Logan Ludwig, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood
  • Indiana: Joan Zivich, Community Hospital, Munster
  • Iowa: Linda Walton, University of Iowa Hardin Library of the Health Sciences, Iowa City
  • Kentucky: Mary Congleton, Southern Kentucky AHEC, Mt. Vernon
  • Michigan: Barbara Platts, Munson Healthcare, Traverse City
  • Minnesota: Paul Dahl, Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul
  • North Dakota, Ann Pederson, Altru Hospital, Grand Forks
  • Ohio: Maryann Mlodzik, Cuyahoga Falls General Hospital, Cuyahoga Falls
  • South Dakota: Pat Hamilton, Rapid City Regional Hospital, Rapid City
  • Wisconsin: Robert Koehler, Meriter Hospital Park, Madison

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