DPS Activity Publishing, Ltd., et al.,
(USDC Western District of Washington at Seattle)

Civil Action No. C 03-1078C

December 17, 2003

  • Default Judgment and Order for Permanent Injunction and Monetary Relief as to Defendants DPS Activity Publishing, Ltd., David P. Suggitt and Tabea Suggitt
  • News Release

May 20, 2003

  • Complaint for Permanent Injunction and Other Equitable Relief [PDF 386KB]
  • Temporary Restraining Order; Order Withholding Mail Sent to Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies; Order Permitting Expedited Discovery; and Order to Show Cause Why A Preliminary Injunction Should Not Issue [PDF 631KB]
  • News Release

Last Modified: Monday, 04-Aug-2008 12:02:00 EDT