Building and Maintaining a Diverse and High Quality Workforce

Introduction     Frameworks     Building     Conclusion     Notes


As the employer of a diverse workforce, the Federal Government has come a long way, but still has more work to do. Federal agencies have an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to having the best workforce possible -- one that is diverse and of high quality -- to conduct the Nation's business.

This guide provides information and ideas on strategies and activities to build and maintain such a workforce. However, there are many Federal agencies that have already developed innovative strategies and activities and are deriving positive results from them. Many Federal agencies are conducting diversity audits, establishing partnerships with academic institutions serving minority populations, creating innovative recruitment programs, setting up clear accountability measures, and designing and providing effective training.

OPM encourages agencies to share their experiences and lessons learned because they can serve as models for the rest of the Federal Government. OPM also welcomes comments, suggestions, and ideas on building and maintaining a diverse, high-quality workforce.

Section III: Building and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce Notes

Created 25 June 2000