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Todays Schedule

  Hearing Information

Hearing on: H.R. 6064, the "National Silver Alert Act";
H.R. 5898, the "Silver Alert Grant Program Act of 2008"; and
H.R. 423, the "the Kristen's Act Reauthorization of 2007"

Tuesday 07/15/2008 - 2:00 PM
2237 Rayburn House Office Building
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security
By Direction of the Chairman

Hearing Documentation
No documentation available

Related News
No related news available


Witness List

Hon. Lloyd Doggett
U.S. House of Representatives
25th District, TX

Hon. Gus Bilirakis
U.S. House of Representatives
9th District, FL

Sue Myrick
U.S. House of Representatives
9th District, NC

