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Todays Schedule

  Mark Up Information

8/1/2007 Markup of: H.R. 400, H.R. 2102, H.R. 3013, H.R. 2740, H.R. 1119, and H.R. 1071
Promptly followed by: Hearing on Warrantless Surveillance and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: The Role of Checks and Balances in Protecting Americans’ Privacy Rights By Direction of the Chairman

Introduced Bill # Title Report
7-24-2007  H.R. 400
The “War Profiteering Prevention Act of 2007”
7-27-2007  H.R. 1071
The "September 11 Family Humanitarian Relief and Patriotism Act"
7-27-2007  H.R. 1119
The "Purple Heart Heart Family Equity Act of 2007"
7-25-2007  H.R. 2102
The “Free Flow of Information Act of 2007”
7-24-2007  H.R. 2740
The “MEJA Expansion and Enforcement Act of 2007”
7-24-2007  H.R. 3013
The “Attorney-Client Privilege Protection Act of 2007”







