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Todays Schedule

  Hearing Information

Hearing: “Protecting the Right to Vote: Election Deception and Irregularities in Recent Federal Elections”
Wednesday 03/07/2007 - 3:00 PM
2141 Rayburn House Office Building
Full Committee

Hearing Documentation


Hearing PDF (Serial No. 110-9)
Chairman's Opening Statement


Witness List

Panel I:
Hon. Barack Obama
United States Senate (D-IL)
Hon. Loretta Sanchez
U.S. House of Representatives
47th District, CA
Hon. Steve King
U.S. House of Representatives
5th District, IA
Hon. Benjamin Cardin
United States Senate (D-MD)
Hon. Brian Bilbray
U.S. House of Representatives
50th District, CA
Hon. Rahm Emanuel
U.S. House of Representatives
5th District, IL
Panel II:
Donna L. Brazile
Chair Democratic National Committee’s Voting Rights Institute and Adjunct Professor Georgetown University
John Fund
Columnist The Wall Street Journal
Eve Sandberg
Associate Professor of Politics Oberlin College
Ralph G. Neas
President and CEO People for the American Way



