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Todays Schedule

  Hearing Information

Hearing on: “Making Communities Safer: Youth Violence and Gang Interventions that Work”
Thursday 02/15/2007 - 10:00 AM
2141 Rayburn House Building
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security

Hearing Documentation


Hearing PDF (Serial No. 110-14)


Witness List

Jeffrey Butts
Senior Researcher Chapin Hall Center for Children University of Chicago
James Corwin
Chief of Police Kansas City, MO
Delbert Elliott
Director of Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence University of Colorado
Mai Fernandez
Legal and Strategy Director Latin American Youth Center Washington, DC
Teny Gross
Executive Director Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence Providence, RI
David Kennedy
Director Center for Crime Prevention and Control John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Paul Logli
President-elect of the National District Attorneys Association Winnebago County, Illinois
Lawrence W. Sherman
Director Jerry Lee Center of Criminology University of Pennsylvania



