Office of Basic Energy Sciences                                    Office of Science                                     U.S. Department of Energy


Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers

Scientific User Facilities Division





This Division supports the operation of three Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers to offer researchers a suite of electron beam microscopy tools and related instruments that are useful to study material structure, composition, and properties. These three centers are:    

  •      The Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) at ANL,

  •      The National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM) at LBNL, and

  •      The SHared Research Equipment (SHaRE) user facility at ORNL. 

These facilities provide state-of-the-art capabilities for the analysis of materials at the atomic level.  The strength of electron interactions with matter, and the ability to readily focus electrons with electromagnetic lenses, make it possible to examine individual structures, defects, and local segregation at the nanoscale.  In addition to providing access to leading-edge instruments and expert scientific staff and technical support, the BES Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers engage in development of next-generation instrumentation and novel experimental techniques and analysis approaches. 

For more information about these three DOE Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers, please contact Dr. Altaf H. Carim.

Click here for more information on all of the facilities described above and on other BES-supported facilities. 


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