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Export Shipments of Photovoltaic Cells and Modules by Type
Table 3.13    xls   pdf   format     Solar Photovoltaic Cell/Module Annual Report

Table 3.13 Export Shipments of Photovoltaic Cells and Modules by Type, 1999 - 2007
(Peak Kilowatts)
Item/Year Crystalline Silicon Thin-Film Silicon Concentrator Silicon Other Total
1999 31,031 - 9 - 31,040
2000 32,019 - 86 - 32,105
2001 26,899 - 174 - 27,073
2002 33,952 - 267 - 34,219
2003 30,337 - 127 - 30,464
2004 36,492 - - - 36,492
2005 20,434 - - - 20,434
2006 12,960 838 400 - 14,198
2007 16,592 1,500 3,753 - 21,845
1999 23,587 958 - - 24,545
2000 35,440 837 - - 36,277
2001 29,660 4,622 - - 34,282
2002 29,987 2,572 - - 32,559
2003 25,190 5,039 - - 30,229
2004 52,938 13,341 - - 66,278
2005 39,992 32,000 25 - 72,017
2006 47,681 68,880 - - 116,561
2007 66,791 148,477 95 - 215,364
1999 54,618 958 9 - 55,585
2000 67,460 837 86 - 68,382
2001 56,559 4,622 174 - 61,356
2002 63,939 2,572 267 - 66,778
2003 55,527 5,039 127 - 60,693
2004 89,430 13,341 - - 102,770
2005 60,426 32,000 25 - 92,451
2006 60,640 69,718 400 - 130,757
2007 83,383 149,977 3,848 - 237,209
- = No data reported.
Note: Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-63B, "Annual Photovoltaic Module/Cell Manufacturers Survey."