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The mission of the U.S. Fusion Energy Sciences Program is to advance plasma science, fusion science, and fusion technology − the knowledge base needed for an economically and environmentally attractive fusion energy source.


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For Documents relating to FESAC, FEAC, and PCAST please go to our FESAC Page.



Organization/Person Title/Subject/Report Date
Dave Goodwin Low Temperature Plasma Science Workshop Report

Sept 2008

Dr. Stephen Eckstrand 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference Information

January 2008

Dr. Francis Thio

The Report of the Interagency Task Force on High Energy Density Physics (HEDP).  This report articulates how HEDP fits into the portfolio of federally funded missions and includes agency actions to be taken that are necessary to further this area of study consistent with Federal priorities and plans, while being responsive to the needs of the scientific community.

August 2007

Dr. John Mandrekas Fusion Simulation Project Workshop Report

May 16-17, 2007

Dr. John Mandrekas OFES Data Sharing Expectations for Large Scale Computational Projects

February 2007

OFES Mid-Term Facilities Review Documents September 2006
Energy Policy Act Task Group Planning for U.S. Fusion Community Participation in the ITER Program June 6, 2006
Darlene Markevich Summary of the Plasma Physics Junior Faculty Development Program Awards June 2006
  Energy Policy Act of 2005 (and extracted Fusion section) August 2005
Stephen Eckstrand NSTX Collaboration Grants for FY 2005 February 2, 2005
Curtis Bolton Physics Validation Review of the FIRE experiment. August 2004
National Task Force on High Energy Density Physics Cover Letter and Final Report of the National Task Force on High Energy Density Physics.  This is the final report of the National Task Force on High Energy Density Physics commissioned by the Interagency Working Group on the Physics of the Universe.  The report is intended to identify the compelling research opportunities of high intellectual value in high energy density physics. The opportunities for discovery include the broad scope of this highly interdisciplinary field that spans a wide range of physics areas including plasma physics, laser and particle beam physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, atomic and molecular physics, materials science and condensed matter physics, intense radiation-matter interaction physics, fluid dynamics, and magnetohydrodynamics. July 20, 2004
OSTP/NSTC Science for the 21st Century July 2004
DOE Fusion Strategic Plan April 2004
Rostom Dagazian Alcator C-Mod Program 2003-2008.  Agenda for the May 13-14, 2003 Review November 2003
National Research Council (NRC) "Burning Plasma--Bringing a Star to Earth September 26, 2003
Office of Science Office of Science request that the National Research Council (NRC) conduct an assessment of a program of burning plasma experiments and its role in magnetic fusion research.  September 2003
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Technical Peer Review of the NSTX Five-Year Program Plan July 3, 2003
Department of Energy Theory Grant Awards for FY 2001, 2002, 2003 2003
Joint Institute for Energy & Environment  "Fusion Energy in India's  Long-Term Energy Future" May 2003
Erol Oktay DIII-D Program Review April 22-25, 2003
IEA Posters from the IEA Fusion Exhibits April 2003
President George Bush "Hydrogen Fuel Initiative Can Make 'Fundamental Difference' for the Future"   Remarks February 6, 2003
NRC Letter Report on Burning Plasma Physics December 20, 2002
Department of Energy Assessment of the ITER Project Cost Estimate Report November 2002
University Fusion Associates Letter to Congress about  ITER February 26, 2002
Fusion Community Snowmass meeting held at Snowmass, Colorado  July, 2002
Office of Science Occasional Paper "Bringing a Star to Earth: June 2002
18th World Energy Congress One Page ITER Project Summary October 25, 2001
General Atomics for OFES Brochure "The Surprising Benefits of Creating a Star" October 2001 
National Energy Policy Development Group "Reliable, Affordable, and Environmentally Sound Energy for America's Future" Report May 2001
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory US/JET/EFDA Meeting February 22-23, 2001
DOE/SC029 Brochure "Fusion Energy Science", based on the IPPA Report January 2001
DOE/SC-0028 Report of the Integrated Program Planning Activity  December  2000 
University Fusion Association  Workshop  on Burning Plasma Science   December 11-13, 2000 
NRC Report "An Assessment of the Department of Energy's Office of Fusion Energy Sciences Program" October 2000
Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) Report "Realizing the Promise of Fusion Energy" August 1999
Data Analysis Applications Group The Scientific Simulation Initiative (SSI) for Fusion Energy Science White Paper is now in both HTML and PDF format. Please visit the Data Analysis Applications Group home page for links to these versions Current Information
Charlie Baker compiled Possible Pathways for Pursuing Burning Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Development Report  July 17, 1998
  Innovative Concept Proof-of-Principle Proposals and Review Information  June 8-12, 1998
DOE/Office of Science The Strategic Plan for International Collaborations in Fusion Science and Technology Research February 1998
OFES Policy for the Development of Innovative Confinement Concepts November 1997
Ad Hoc Working Group on International Collaboration Technical Opportunities for International Collaborations by the U.S. Fusion Program November 10, 1997
DOE Paper for discussion describing a process for the development of Innovative Confinement Concepts Fall 1996
DOE/Office of Science Strategic Plan for the Restructured U.S. Fusion Energy Sciences Program August 1996
University of California,  San Diego Cost of Electricity from Fusion Power Plants:  Advanced Reactor Innovation Evaluation Study - Reverse Shear (ARIES-RS) Report August 30, 1996
OFES Fusion Investment in an Energy Source for Tomorrow Yields Important Benefits Today 1996
DOE Decision Paper on siting of the National Energy Research Supercomputer Center (NERSC) 1996
PCAST Report on "The U.S. Program of Fusion Energy Research and Development" July 1995
DOE/Office of Science Brochure on "The U.S. Fusion Program as a Source of Technology Transfer" September 1993
ESECOM Summary of the U.S. Senior Committee on Environmental, Safety, and Economic Aspects of the Magnetic Fusion Energy August 15, 1988



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