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First Annual Nevada Regional National Science Bowl for Middle School Students

First place team Hyde Park Middle School Team A proudly shows off its hydrogen fuel cell car and trophy.

Hyde Park Middle School of Las Vegas won the Nevada regional competition in the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Science Bowl for Middle School Students held Saturday, April 5 at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV). Two teams from Hyde Park Middle School competed with Team A winning the first place prize of $700 and Team B winning the second place prize of $500. The first place team advances to Golden, CO, to compete against other regional winners in the National Finals of the National Science Bowl June 19-22, 2008. Cortney Junior High School of Las Vegas finished in third place.

Eight teams of science and math students competed, representing Hyde Park (two teams), Coral Academy, Cortney, Elton Garrett, Faith Lutheran (two teams), and Grant Sawyer middle schools in Southern Nevada. Teams spent months preparing for the National Science Bowl’s regional competition, which included a high-intensity academic competition testing students in biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, astronomy, and math.

Students cheer their cars to the finish line.

The competition also included a hydrogen fuel cell car race, which accounted for 50 percent of the final score. Students used model car kits to build their cars and added to their design with other materials, such as compact discs for wheels.

Several employees from the DOE’s Yucca Mountain Project and other local organizations volunteered at the event as scientific judges, timekeepers, and scorekeepers, among other activities. Sponsors included DOE’s Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, which oversees the Yucca Mountain Project, the Las Vegas Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association, UNLV, and the Atomic Testing Museum. OCRWM donated $5,000 for the event.

This year more than 5,000 middle school students from 30 states will compete in the National Science Bowl’s regional competitions for middle school students. Since 2002, approximately 10,000 students and teachers have participated.

The U.S. Department of Energy established the DOE Regional Science Bowl in 1991 to motivate high school students to pursue scientific and technical careers and promote math and science literacy.

Since the establishment of Science Bowl, more than 100,000 young men and women from all over the country have participated in this competition.

Last reviewed 04/08


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  Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
This page last modified on: April 30, 2008  
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