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Topic: Home > Executive Acts > Appointment

Document appointing person to a position or announcement of the appointment.

Presidential Nomination: John Jacob Young
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination John Jacob Young Position: Under Sec - Acquis, Tech & Log Department of ... - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Eric Mines Thorson
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Eric Mines Thorson Position: Inspector General Department of the Treasury ... - 3.1KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Peter Stanley Winokur
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Peter Stanley Winokur Position: Member Defense Nuclear .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Edward Francis Sproat
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Edward Francis Sproat Position: Dir - Off of Civilian Radioactive .. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Lonny Ray Suko
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Lonny Ray Suko Position: Judge - Washington E US District Court .. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Sheldon "Shelly" J. Sperling
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Sheldon "Shelly" J. Sperling Position: Oklahoma - E US .. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Jack Zouhary
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Jack Zouhary Position: Judge - Ohio N US District Court Judges (576) .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Elisse B. Walter
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Elisse B. Walter Position: Member Securities and Exchange Comm (5) .. - 3.1KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Lawrence Francis Stengel
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Lawrence Francis Stengel Position: Judge - Pennsylvania E US .. - 3.2KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Michael Walter Wynne
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Michael Walter Wynne Position: Secretary of the Air Force Department of .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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