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Blending Clinical Practice and Research: Forging Partnerships to Enhance Drug Addiction Treatment

Welcome Letters - Michael T. Flaherty, Ph.D.

Dear Colleague:

It is a great pleasure and honor for the Northeast Addictions Technology Transfer Center to co-sponsor this important conference. We view the NIDA Blending Clinical Practice and Research Conference as a significant turning point in the effort to bring science into the design and delivery of substance abuse treatment in the United States. It is an extraordinary opportunity for our states' treatment and research communities to see and hear some of the world's leading addiction scientists interacting with local and national treatment experts regarding research findings and treatment needs.

Aligning substance abuse policy, research and practice was the very reason for the 1999 founding of the Institute for Research, Education and Training in Addictions (IRETA), the parent corporation of the Northeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center (NeATTC). Built from over thirty years of clinical and research experience, IRETA was established with the purpose of supporting and linking a system of qualitative substance abuse research, prevention and treatment that would then develop, evaluate and apply through various methods (e.g. training, policy forums, electronic media, etc.) scientifically supported treatment strategies and policies. Since that time, IRETA has conducted numerous regional training events, policy forums, established a web based information source ( for the NeATTC, produced numerous evidenced based publications and worked in strong collaboration with its Tri-State Steering Committee, Single State Authorities, providers, consumers, policy leaders and academic partners. IRETA, like the NeATTC, sees the "field" as its most important customer.

The challenges of aligning substance abuse science and treatment are considerable, particularly in this time of world tension and very limited resources. Skill development, evidence based information dissemination, informed policy statements are but a few of the products of successful technology transfer. Our field has never needed or earned it more. IRETA and the NeATTC are committed to work collaboratively to be the vehicle that can support the field by infusing public policy, education, training and practice... with science, experience and sensitivity.

We view this conference as a critical opportunity to facilitate knowledge transfer and skill development. We hope, most sincerely, it also bolsters our field's dedicated professionals and the critical services they provide. We are proud and honored to be a co-sponsor of this event and invite you to not just learn but to apply what you learn. We also welcome your feedback ad thoughts at our NeATTA table.


Michael T. Flaherty, Ph.D.

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Sponsored by
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health
Department of Health and Human Services

In partnership with
The New York CTN Node/New York University School of Medicine
The Long Island CTN Node/Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute
New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services
Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Providers of NYS
Northeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)
New York State Practice Improvement Collaborative (PIC)

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