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Network News
November/December 2002

Bimonthly Newsletter from the South Central Region
National Network of Libraries of Medicine

New From the NN/LM SCR Office
NLM Application of 2002 AACR2 Amendments
Inside Funding
Consumer Health Considered
What's New With NLM Databases?
NN/LM SCR Committee Meetings
Technology Awareness Conference Awarded
NLM Visitors Center to Close for Renovation
Technology Notes
Resource Libraries' Holiday Ill Shipping Policy/Schedule
In Every Issue:
Regional Training and Exhibit Calendar
Employment Opportunities
NLM Technical Bulletin

News From the NN/LM SCR Office

On behalf of the NN/LM SCR staff I would like to wish each of you a safe and happy holiday season. This year, we decided to take a technological approach in conveying our holiday greetings to the Region. Our holiday e-card is located at: http:// /scr/news/xmascard3.htm.

The NN/LM SCR Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) met in Houston on November 5, 2002. Meeting minutes will be available on our Web site in the very near future, and an announcement of their availability will be posted to the NNLMSCR-L.

Over the past couple of months, we have been making preliminary plans for the NN/LM SCR Year 03 (May 2003-April 2004) budget that begins in January 2003. This is a particularly exciting time for us, as we consider the feedback that you have submitted to us, either directly or through committee meetings, in planning next year's regional programming for you. We encourage you to continue contacting your area representatives on the various NN/LM SCR committees and provide them with feedback regarding needs in your area, and we also encourage you to continue letting us know what works, and what you would like to see your Regional office consider in the future. We cannot effectively meet your needs without hearing from you!

Greg Bodin and Karla Bourque, along with the rest of the Staff, have been diligently working to redesign the NN/LM SCR Web site, both in format and in content. An announcement will be made in early 2003 when the redesign is ready.

We look forward to working with you in 2003!

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NLM Application of 2002 AACR2 Amendments

NLM has decided to delay implementation of certain sections of Chapter 21.2A.2 of the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd ed. (AACR2), until at least March. 31, 2003, until we have a chance to thoroughly investigate the implications of these changes on various areas of the Library. Specifically, we will not apply 21.2A2c (differences involving the name of the same corporate body), 21.2A2h (order of words in a list), or 21.2A2i (addition or deletion of words indicating the type of resource) when these changes affect the first word of a title. In addition we will not apply 21.2A2a if the first word changes from an acronym to a full-form or vice-versa.

While we support the overall goal of reducing the number of major changes requiring new serial records, we find some of the minor changes in Chapter 21.2A2 to be potentially problematic. Specifically, NLM is concerned about those changes defined as minor where the first word of a title significantly differs from previous issues.

As an indexing agency as well as a research library, NLM has specific concerns about citation displays. Although our catalog has a rich cross-reference structure that will allow users to get to the correct record using earlier or later forms of the title, an indexing record can only carry a single form of the citation. If an indexed article appears in our database with the earlier title, but the printed citations to the article appear with the current title, we feel this could be very confusing to users, particularly when there has been a significant change to the first word of the title. For most other categories of minor changes, users can recognize that they have the same title. For these more significant changes, it will be much harder for users to recognize this.

NLM also produces many print and online publications which list our indexed titles. Like bibliographies, these lists only contain a single form of the title. We are concerned that users will not recognize that we actually index a title such as Journal of Biological Chemistry, if the publication were to change its title to Biological Chemistry, and we continue to cite it as Journal of Biological Chemistry. Our experience also shows that publishers, not unreasonably, expect their citations to carry the title that actually appears on their journal, and we know we will receive complaints from publishers if some of these new rules were applied.

Although NLM shelves its serials by call number, rather than by title, we know that many of our constituents are smaller medical or hospital libraries that shelve their journals alphabetically by title. These libraries are very dependent on the bibliographic records distributed by NLM, and we feel that users in these institutions will have a very hard time finding these journals if the first word on the printed publication is very different from where the item is actually shelved.

We are hopeful that NLM will not encounter too many changes in these categories during the next four months, but if we need to create new records in the NLM database that do not follow the current cataloging rules, we will not submit these records to CONSER.

NLM began applying all of the other provisions of the 2002 Amendments to AACR2 on Dec. 2, 2002.

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PubMed Changes Effect DOCLINE

On December 2, 2002, PubMed made changes to 'Page Selection', 'Send to', and 'Links'. These changes require an additional step when using the DOCLINE - Requests/Borrow PubMed ordering process.

The [Order] button has been replaced with a [Send To] button and an adjacent drop-down box containing the values: File, Text, Clipboard, Order. After selecting DOCLINE: Request/Borrow PubMed and completing the PubMed Search(es) or Using Citation matcher, users must select 'Order' from the drop-down box and then click the [Send To] button. The system will then return to the DOCINE 'Process PubMed Orders' screen.

DOCLINE - Requests/Borrow/PubMed

  1. Select REQUESTS from DOCLINE Main Menu
  2. Select Borrow
  3. Select PubMed
  4. Perform PubMed Search(es) or Use Citation matcher
  5. Click check-box to the left of each citation you want to Order
  6. Select 'Order' from the drop-down box adjacent to [Send To] button and click [Send To] button (skip to step 10)
  7. OR
    Select 'Clipboard' from the drop-down box and click [Send To] button to save citations to order
    Note: You may perform multiple searches and save citations to 'Clipboard'.

  8. Select 'Clipboard' from the top menu bar to view entire contents of saved citations to order
  9. Select Check-boxes to left of each citation to make order selections
  10. OR
    Select 'Order' from the drop-down box and click [Send To] button to order all documents saved in Clipboard
    Note 1: Clipboard must be cleared after each order. Citations remain in Clipboard for one hour.
    Note 2: To remove citations that are not wanted, click check-boxes to the left of the citations, select 'Remove from Clipboard' from the drop-down box and click [Send To] button before processing the order.
    Note 3: From Clipboard, you can only order citations from the current screen's contents.

  11. Select 'Order' from the drop-down box and Click [Send To] button, review "Process PubMed Orders" screen in DOCLINE
  12. Click check-boxes to order selectively, then click NEXT, or if NO boxes are checked, click NEXT to route all selected PubMed citations in DOCLINE.

DOCLINE Quarterly Statistical Reports - July-September 2002

NLM has released the following DOCLINE quarterly statistical reports for July-September 2002:

1-1A, 1-11A, 1-1AT - Summary DOCLINE Borrower Statistics
1-1B - Summary DOCLINE Lender Statistics
1-2A, 1-22A - Detailed DOCLINE Borrower Statistics
1-2B - Detailed DOCLINE Lender Statistics
2-14 - Resource Library Quarterly Report - Fill Rate
5-1A - Loansome Doc Detailed Lender Statistics
5-1B - Loansome Doc Throughput Report

Please note that reports 1-11A, 1-1AT and 1-22A are only distributed to libraries that have entered requests in DOCLINE for other libraries. Report 2-14 is only distributed to resource libraries.

The January-March 2002 DOCLINE quarterly statistical reports are no longer available. Further schedule information may be found in the DOCLINE -Quarterly Reports (Statistics) FAQ (

Instructions for downloading and printing reports may be found at HELP/Online Manual/Requests - Reports or at:

Contact ILL at NLM Form

There is a new way to report a problem with requests filled by the National Library of Medicine. Please use the Contact ILL form available at: By completing this form, you provide information that is essential to NLM's Interlibrary Loan staff in their efforts to respond to your concerns. The Contact ILL form can also be accessed from within DOCLINE through Help/Contact DOCLINE.

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On December 2, 2002, the HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service (ACTIS) and its sister service, the HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Service (ATIS), merged into AIDSinfo ( The new AIDSinfo includes all of the services that have been available from ACTIS and ATIS, as well as quick and easy access to wide-ranging Federal resources on HIV/AIDS clinical research, HIV treatment and prevention, and medical practice guidelines for health care providers and consumers.

AIDSinfo is designed for full accessibility, intuitive searching, and easy navigation. The Web site presents federally approved information on HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention guidelines, a comprehensive database of HIV/AIDS clinical trials, vaccines, and information about approved and experimental HIV/AIDS drugs. The site's Education and Resource Center is a virtual one-stop shop offering links and downloadable resources specially designed for patients and the general public, researchers, health care providers, and students.

The AIDSinfo Help Line has English and Spanish-speaking Health Information Specialists who offer confidential responses to questions and assistance with navigating the Web site. The Help Line is available Monday through Friday, noon to 5:00 p.m. eastern time.

Telephone: 800-448-0440
International: 301-519-0459
TTY/TTD: 888-480-3739

AIDSinfo E-news, the site's electronic newsletter, will keep you informed about new and updated treatment guidelines, clinical trials, drugs, vaccines, new products, and Web site updates. If you already subscribe to the ATIS listserv, you will automatically be placed on the AIDSinfo E-news subscriber list. If not, visit the Web site to subscribe.

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Inside Funding

Internet Access to Digital Libraries (IADL)

NLM recently announced 52 awards in its new Internet Access to Digital Libraries (IADL) ( grant program. The purpose of the IADL grants is to help health-related organizations provide consumers, health professionals and health staff with access to digital health information resources and information services of the highest quality. The FY 2002 IADL awards, amounting to just over $4 million, will reach consumers and health professionals in more than 330 communities in 25 states and Puerto Rico.

FY2002 awardees in the SCR region:

Southeast Louisiana AHEC
Project Title: MedConnect - Connecting Rural LA

University of New Mexico
Project Title: Internet Access to Digital Libraries

Texas Tech University
Project Title: Texas Tech El Paso Virtual Campus

Information about future application dates is available at: The next deadline for proposal submissions is February 1, 2003.

Health e-Technologies Initiative

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation debuted a new national funding program aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of electronic health information in improving health behaviors. The Health e-Technologies Initiative ( will support scientific research on promising eHealth applications that are designed to improve interactions between consumers and patients and 1) providers; 2) health care organizations; 3) voluntary and community organizations; and 4) partnerships among any of these entities.

A total of $7.25 million in funds will be awarded under this Initiative in two categories:

  • short-term, six-to-12 month grants (up to $100,000) to help address methodology and design challenges related to the scientific evaluation of eHealth applications;
  • longer-term, up to three-year grants (up to $600,000) to evaluate applications designed to produce and/or maintain health behavior change and/or to enhance patient self-management of chronic disease.

Deadline for submitting an online letter of intent is January 8, 2003.

New Proposal Writing and Funding Information Class

The NN/LM SCR is offering a new class aimed at beginning funding proposal writers. Grants and How to Apply for NN/LM Funding Opportunities ( presents a general overview of the grant and funding processes as well as the level of detail required in a successful proposal. Each component of the grant writing process will be addressed, including: documenting the need, identifying the target population, writing measurable objectives and developing a work and dissemination plan. Contact me for more information on hosting this class.

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Consumer Health Considered

The National Library of Medicine has made several changes to MEDLINEplus ( recently. A new look for the home page debuted November 21, 2002. The page is divided into three sections and contains more dynamic graphics. Consumers will also now have access to the Medical Encyclopedia and the Interactive Health Tutorials from the main page. The new look was designed after extensive usability testing and feedback from librarians.

At the same time, a new search engine was implemented. The search engine, from RecomMind, uses search strategies based on concepts as well as terms when retrieving results. Search results are organized into folders that correspond to the different parts of MEDLINEplus, e.g. Health Topics, Drug Information. View the "search tips" on the new search engine at:

On December 11, 2002, the exciting new feature, "GO LOCAL" became accessible. GO LOCAL enables consumers to go from information found on a specific health condition on MEDLINEplus to information regarding the same condition in their own community. At this time, the GO LOCAL feature links to only one Web site, NC Health Info, a Web site developed by the University of North Carolina Health Sciences Library and the University of North Carolina School of Information and Library Science. This pilot project created by the University of North Carolina and NLM is expected to expand to include other local consumer health Web sites across the country. More information about the project can be accessed at:

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What's New with NLM Databases?

PubMed "Send To" Button

PubMed has changed its procedures on displaying in text, saving, ordering and adding to the Clipboard. Instead of the individual buttons, now the screen has a "Send To" button with a dropdown box that allows all of these functions.

For more information, see: Nahin AM. Page Selection, Send to, and Links: Changes to PubMed®. NLM Tech Bull. 2002 Nov-Dec;(329):e7.

PubMed Limits Changes

A few changes were made to PubMed's Limits:

  • The strategy behind the All Child limit on the Ages menu has been modified so that it will continue to retrieve studies for ages 0-18 years.
  • A new age grouping, Middle Aged + Aged (for ages 45 and over) has been added to the Age Group menu.
  • The subsets, In process and Publisher, were removed from the Subsets menu. These subsets can still be searched using the [SB] search tag:
    in process [sb]
    publisher [sb]
    Example: patient education AND (in process [sb] OR publisher [sb])

For more information, see: Nahin AM. Changes to PubMed's® Limits. NLM Tech Bull. 2002 Nov-Dec;(329):e6.


NLM has finished its annual Year-End Processing. Changes made include:

  • The annual update to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), NLM's controlled vocabulary used for subject indexing and retrieval
  • Updated MeSH in MEDLINE citations to reflect changes in MeSH vocabulary including entry combination revisions
  • Other changes to data in MEDLINE citations including identification of Clinical Trial and Publication Types

For more information, see:

Schulman JL. What's New for 2003 MeSH®. NLM Tech Bull. 2002 Nov-Dec;(329):e5.

Rosov J. MEDLINE® Data Changes - 2003. NLM Tech Bull. 2002 Nov-Dec;(329):e4.

Health Services and Sciences Research Resources (HSRR) Database

The National Information Center on Health Services Research & Health Care Technology (NICHSR) Health Services and Sciences Research Resources (HSRR) database is now available on the NLM Web site at:

The HSRR database contains descriptions of about 300 research datasets, over 55 instruments/indices, and more than 20 software applications that are frequently used in health services research and in the behavioral and social sciences. These research-oriented tools may be used to assess data variables and data collection methodologies.

For more information see: Benton N. Health Services and Sciences Research Resources (HSRR) Database. NLM Tech Bull. 2002 Nov-Dec;(329):e2.

Construction of National Library of Medicine Title Abbreviations

NLM has created a Fact Sheet ( that describes the rules currently used to construct title abbreviations for journals cited in NLM's online services.

Related Articles Algorithm Modified for PubMed Citations

On December 4, 2002, the term-weighted algorithm used to create the Related Articles links for each PubMed citation was modified to better calculate citations that are closely related to a selected article. In addition, a citation length correction was applied, i.e., the total number of words in a citation is now considered. This compensates for abstract length thereby producing an improved list of related articles for citations that do not have abstracts.

See: for additional information.

New Books Added to NCBI's Bookshelf

Three new books have been added to the National Center for Biotechnology Information's (NCBI) Bookshelf (

  • The Human ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Transporter Superfamily. Dean, Michael. Monograph. Bethesda (MD): NCBI, National Library of Medicine (US); 2002 Nov.
  • Basic Neurochemistry, Molecular, Cellular, and Medical Aspects. 6th ed. Siegel, George J.; Agranoff, Bernard W.; Albers, R. Wayne; Fisher, Stephen K.; Uhler, Michael D., editors. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; c1999.
  • The NCBI Handbook. Bethesda (MD): NCBI, National Library of Medicine (US); 2002 Nov.

The books in Bookshelf may be searched directly from the Bookshelf site or via links from the Links pull-down menu from relevant PubMed citations.

MeSH® Tools 2003 Available for Purchase

The Medical Subject Headings - Annotated Alphabetic List, 2003; Medical Subject Headings - Tree Structures, 2003; and Permuted Medical Subject Headings, 2003 may now be ordered from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Order and pricing information for these publications can be found on NLM's Web site at: Questions concerning orders may be directed to NTIS at 800-553-NTIS (6847). Questions about standing orders should be directed to the NTIS Subscription Section at 703-487-4630.

NLM Gateway Updated

A new version of the NLM Gateway ( was released on December 19, 2002. Changes include the following:

  • Search terms are mapped to Supplementary Concept terms when appropriate.
  • A maximum of five hundred (500) items may be stored in the locker.

NLM Completes the Reorganization of its Bibliographic Databases

As part of the NLM's project to modernize its computer systems, the Library reorganized its bibliographic data into three groups:

  • Citations to journal and journal-like (e.g., newsletter) articles published mostly from 1966 forward (MEDLINE/PubMed),
  • Citations to monographs (including book chapters) and to whole serials (LOCATORplus), and
  • Citations to selected, individual meeting abstracts, and journal article citations that predate 1966 as a year of publication (OLDMEDLINE) (NLM Gateway).

This effort was completed in September 2002. See The Reorganization of National Library of Medicine (NLM) Bibliographic Databases at:, for detailed information on how this project was completed and to links to NLM Technical Bulletin ( for articles published about this project.

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NN/LM SCR Committee Meetings

The NN/LM SCR committees meet during the South Central Chapter of the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting every year. The following are summaries of this year's meetings held in San Antonio, TX.

NN/LM SCR Consumer Health Advisory Committee

The Consumer Health Advisory Committee (CHAC) met on Sunday October 13, 2002. Gretchen Schweiger, Consumer Health Coordinator, updated the group on consumer health initiatives at NLM and NN/LM SCR. The group also discussed the NN/LM SCR Consumer Health Web Manual (http:// /scr/conhlth/manualidx.htm) and the need to revise the document. During the last part of their meeting the CHAC joined the NN/LM SCR Outreach Committee for a joint break out session. The purpose of the break out session was to allow the librarians to share their experience and methods for doing outreach with one another by developing a mock outreach program.

The list of the current CHAC Members can be found at:

NN/LM SCR Document Delivery Committee

The NN/LM Document Delivery Committee (DDC) met on Monday October 14, 2002. Re Mishra, Education-Communications Coordinator, discussed the recent and upcoming changes to DOCLINE. An issue regarding manual inputting of requests in DOCLINE was mentioned. It was asked librarians be reminded to use the manual request method be used as a last resort. In addition librarians will be asked to request via DOCLINE requests that have needed to be verified in OCLC, and to include their LIBID on Ariel transmissions. The focus of the meeting was the NN/LM SCR Web pages concerning Document Delivery. The DDC Members were asked to submit any suggestions for improvements. One planned improvement is a Resource Library Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery policy information page.

The list of current DDC Members can be found at:

NN/LM SCR Outreach Contacts Committee

The NN/LM SCR Outreach Contacts Committee met on October 13, 2002. Committee members were updated, by Michelle Malizia, Outreach Coordinator, on issues raised at the June 11, 2002 Outreach Contacts Committee Meeting in Houston, TX. The new Outreach Manual and Funding Opportunities Web page ( were presented. There are plans to make an electronic copy of the Outreach Manual available in .html and .pdf format on the Outreach Web page.

Several new outreach forms were unveiled. Both the exhibit and the budget reporting forms had been modified slightly. Changes to the exhibit form included new guidelines for counting visitors. As of November 1, 2002, the Outreach Data Activity Collection form replaced the Outreach Reporting Form. In addition, the new Participant Activity Information Sheet needs to be completed at each training session. Copies of all the new forms were distributed and discussed.

Other announcements from the meeting:

  • The NNLMSCR has a new exhibit backdrop that Resource & Access Libraries may borrow for their local exhibits.
  • Three training sessions on the NCBI databases will be held at the MLA 2003 Annual Meeting in San Diego, California.

The list of the current Outreach Contacts Committee Members can be found at: http:// /scr/outrch/outrchmbrs01.htm.

NN/LM SCR Technology Advisory Committee

The NN/LM SCR Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) met on Monday, October 14, 2002. Greg Bodin, Technology Coordinator, led the discussion on a variety of technology topics pertinent to the NN/LM SCR office and the Region. The purpose of the meeting was to acquire feedback on direction for future technology projects, training, outreach, etc. that will be offered by the NN/LM SCR office. The Committee advised Mr. Bodin on potential technology course offerings for the region, as well as provided feedback on possible future technology outreach projects.

More information on the TAC, including goals and objectives of the Committee, and the current list of Members, is available at

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Fourteen scientific and technical information organizations from ten major science agencies, including NLM, have collaborated to create (, the "FirstGov for Science" Web site. is the gateway to reliable information about science and technology from across Federal government organizations.

From, users can find over one thousand government information resources about science. These resources include: technical reports, journal citations, databases, Federal Web sites, and fact sheets. The information is all free and no registration is required.

For more information, see the press release at: <

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Technology Awareness Conference Awarded

Congratulations to the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center, Albuquerque, NM, which has received funding to hold a Technology Awareness Conference. The conference, which will be held in March 2003 in Albuquerque, NM, will focus on increasing awareness of applications and issues of PDA technology in health care settings.

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NLM Visitors Center to Close for Renovation

The NLM Visitors Center closed for remodeling on Monday, December 2, 2002. The work is expected to end no later than March 7, 2003. The new and improved Visitors Center will be larger and will feature new interactive displays highlighting NLM programs and services. Throughout the construction, the Library will continue to offer abbreviated tours, originating in the first floor lobby of Building 38A, the Lister Hill Center, weekdays (except Federal holidays) at 1:30pm. We will also do our best to accommodate special tour groups. For more information, please contact Melanie Modlin at 301-496-7771 or

Please note that there will be no 1:30pm tours of the Library December 24, 2002 through January 1, 2003.

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Technology Notes

Remote Communication via Internet Relay Chat and Instant Messaging

Want a quick answer to a question from a co-worker in your office? How about a colleague across the country? Instant Messaging (IM) and Internet Relay Chat (IRC) offer a point of communication somewhere between e-mail and the telephone. IM and IRC allow you to send a message to a colleague, family member or friend in real time. Unlike an e-mail that sits on a server until the recipient decides to retrieve it and read it, an instant message immediately appears on the recipient's desktop (if they are logged in and using the service). In many ways it is the virtual equivalent of popping your head into someone's office to ask a question. In addition to individual messages, services such as chat rooms allow you to have real-time virtual communication with a group of people. In the past many of these services were used for personal communication with long-distance family and friends but there are now potential office applications as well. Collaboration is possible with interoffice colleagues, as well as colleagues in other locales. IM and IRC may potentially be used for one-on-one virtual meetings, as well as group virtual conferencing.

Companies such as America Online, ICQ, and Yahoo provide instant messenger services. A user joins the service and downloads the company's proprietary software. He then logs into the company's IM server and then sends and receives messages to other users who are logged into the server. Users typically cannot communicate with other company's IM users. However, several companies such as Trillian and AT&T offer clients that allow the user to log into multiple IM services simultaneously.

IRC is another technology that provides a way of communicating in real time with people from all over the world. It consists of various networks of IRC servers. Typically, the IRC user runs a client program in order to connect to one of the IRC networks. Once connected to an IRC server on an IRC network, the user joins one or more rooms (also called "channels") and is able to converse with others both individually and in chat rooms.

Instant Messengers

America Online Instant Messenger

AT&T IM Anywhere


MSN Messenger


Yahoo Messenger

Internet Relay Chat Clients

IrcII (Unix client)

Ircle (Macintosh client)

mIRC (Windows client)

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Published bimonthly by the
National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region
Supported by NLM Contract N01-LM-1-3515

NN/LM SCR Regional Advisory Committee Chair
Kathryn Hoffman

Network News Editor
Ruicha Mishra

Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library
1133 John Freeman Blvd.
Houston, TX 77030-2809
Phone: 800-338-7657 or 713-799-7880
Fax: 713-790-7030

NN/LM South Central Region
HAM-TMC Library
1133 John Freeman Blvd, Houston TX 77030
Phone: 713-799-7880 or 800-338-7657

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Page last modified: March 11, 2003
http:// /scr/scnn/nov-dec02/text.htm