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Forest Vegetation Simulator

General Technical Reports and Guides

FVS General Technical Reports.These documents are available as background information and user guides for FVS, related models, and programs. The Document name column in the table below provides links to document abstracts. You may also download the document directly from the links in the File column.

There are additional users guides, keyword guides and background information concerning the insect and pathogen extensions on the Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team's website.

You will need the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader to view files with the ".pdf" extension. The Acrobat® Reader is freely available from the Adobe Acrobat Reader page.

User Guides
Document File Date File Size
Essential FVS: A User’s Guide to the Forest Vegetation Simulator 07-02-2008 EssentialFVS.pdf 2 MB
Users Guide to the Database Extension of the Forest Vegetation Simulator Version 2.0 07-02-2008 DBSUserGuide.pdf 782 KB
FVS_DB_LINK Utility: User's Guide 01-25-2008 FVS_DB_LINK.pdf 108 KB
The Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator (RMRS-GTR-116)
09-23-2003 rmrs_gtr116.pdf 1.2 MB
The Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator Addendum to RMRS-GTR-116 (includes documentation for the FVS-FFE Carbon Reports) 01-13-2009 FFEaddendum.pdf 2 MB
Keyword Reference Guide for the Forest Vegetation Simulator 07-02-2008 keyword.pdf 1 MB
Advance FVS Topics for Forest Planning 07-14-2008 Advance_Topics.pdf 4 MB
COVER: A User's Guide to the CANOPY and SHRUBS Extension of the Stand Prognosis Model (GTR-INT-190) 10-22-1999 cover.pdf 446 KB
Supplement to the User's Guide for the Stand Prognosis Model, Version 5.0 (GTR-INT-208) 08-12-1999 prognosis5_supplement.pdf 1 MB
User's Guide to CHEAPO II-Economic Analysis of Stand Prognosis Model Outputs (GTR-INT-211) 06-26-2002 cheapodoc.pdf 646 KB
User's Guide to the Event Monitor: Part of Prognosis Model Version 6 (GTR-INT-275) 01-02-2002 event_monitor.pdf 354 KB
User Guide To The FVS Economic Extension (ECON), January 2008 07-03-2008 EconUserGuide.pdf 242 KB
User's Guide to the Post Processors for the Forest Vegetation Simulator. 07-02-2008 postprocessors.pdf 423 KB
User's Guide to the Stand Prognosis Model (GTR-INT-133) 04-28-2000 prognosis_guide.pdf 1 MB
User's Guide to Version 2 of the Regeneration Establishment Model: Part of the Prognosis Model (GTR-INT-279) 08-12-1999 estab.pdf 253 KB
User's Guide to the Parallel Processing Extension of the Prognosis Model (GTR-INT-281) 08-12-1999 parallel_processing.pdf 1,018 KB
Using the Forest Vegetation Simulator's SVS Keyword and the Stand Visualization System 10-07-1999 svskeyword.pdf 12 KB
Stand Visualization System, Version 3.3 04-13-2004 WinSVS3_3.pdf 781 KB

Supporting Documentation
Document File Date File Size
Comparison of Measured Growth and Mortality Trends to Modeled FVS Projections Relative to Oak Decline Impacts as Observed Over Three FIA Inventory Cycles - Mark Twain National Forest 10-29-2007 MTNF_OD_FVS.pdf 4 MB
Crown Ratio Modeling Using Stand Density Index and the Weibull Distribution 08-28-2000 crownratio.pdf 513 KB
Evaluating Stand Density Management Alternatives using the Forest Vegetation Simulator 06-08-1999 canpap.pdf 73 KB
Implications of Random Variation in the Stand Prognosis Model (Research Note-INT-394) 08-12-1999 random_variation.pdf 475 KB
National Algorithms for Determining Stocking Class, Stand Size Class, and Forest Type for Forest Inventory and Analysis Plots 11-15-2002 Arner2001.pdf 179 KB
Percent Canopy Cover and Stand Structure Statistics from the Forest Vegetation Simulator (RMRS-GTR-24) 03-15-2001 percancv.pdf 239 KB
Prognosis Model for Stand Development (GTR-INT-137) 06-26-2002 prognosis_model.pdf 438 KB
Release Notes: Prognosis Model Version 6 (DRAFT) 06-19-2001 release6.pdf 186 KB
Representing Growth Response to Fertilization in the Prognosis Model for Stand Development (Research Note-INT-392) 08-12-1999 fertilization.pdf 105 KB
Second Forest Vegetation Simulator Conference NOTE: Link to Rocky Mountain Research Station Treesearch.
Snag Dynamics in the PN, WC, BM, EC, and SO variants 09-23-2008 R6snags.pdf 2 MB
Third Forest Vegetation Simulator Conference NOTE: Link to Rocky Mountain Research Station Treesearch.
Uses and Abuses of Multipliers in the Stand Prognosis Model (GTR-INT-310) 08-12-1999 multipliers.pdf 89 KB

US Forest Service
Forest Management Service Center
2150 Centre Avenue, Bldg. A
Fort Collins, CO 80526-1891

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Last modified: November 25, 2008