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Hurricane Ike Library Updates

For those of you affected by Hurricane Ike:

Please post information on the status of your libraries before, during and after the storm.

11 Responses to “Hurricane Ike Library Updates”

  1. Michelle Malizia Says:

    The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston is closed. They are hoping to be open, weather permitting on Monday, September 15th

  2. Margaret Dunn Says:

    The University of Houston Main Campus is closing today at 5:00 pm. We are hoping to reopen, weather permitting on Monday, September 15th, 2008.

  3. Paula Scott, PhD, MLS Says:

    Driscoll Children’s Hospital Medical Library is closed Thursday Sep 11 until the storm passes; hopefully we’ll open next Monday.

  4. Alisa Hemphill Says:

    Due to Hurricane Ike The Houston Academy of Medicine - Texas Medical Center Library ILL office will close Thursday at 1:00 pm and will remain closed until Monday, September 15, 2008. Our docline code is TXUTEX and our OCLC code is TMC.

  5. Paula Scott, PhD, MLS Says:

    Driscoll Children’s Hospital Medical Library is closed Thursday Sep 11 until the storm passes; hopefully we’ll open next Monday.

    Dr. Paula Scott,
    Library Manager

  6. Kathy Hoffman Says:

    The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center will remain fully operational until the beginning of the day shift Friday morning, Sept. 12, at which time M. D. Anderson will close for outpatient clinic appointments and surgeries. The M. D. Anderson Research Medical Library will be open it regular shift until 9:00pm Thursday, Sept 11. We will close Friday-Sunday, Sept. 12-14, and plan to resume regular hours on Monday, Sept 15, weather permitting.

  7. Kathy Hoffman Says:

    News from M. D. Anderson Research Medical Library
    Most of the Houston area continues to have no power. Reports indicate about 97% of the city is still without power. Fortunately, the Medical Center has power and didn’t lose it at any time during the storm. I am sending this from the library, as I don’t have power or internet access from home. I am onsite at the library doing recovery work.

    Water Damage:
    We sustained several serious leaks in the library from the storm. We had leaks in all the usual places and some new ones. The new ones included window sills all around the library, but the most serious were along the south side of the building. Fortunately we had cleared the windows sills and desk areas near them in all of the offices in preparation for the storm so none of staff had damage to their papers or other materials on their desks.
    We also had major water enter the library from the terrace near the information desk. There also appears that there may have been leaks from the ceiling above the Information Desk but I didn’t observe any damage to the desk or its contents. Facilities have been onsite to replace ceiling tiles and provide big fans to dry the area.
    The most damaging leak occurred over a section of the bound journals stacks in a new area, near the Journal of Immunology. Approximately 125 bound journals were affected. In triaging the volumes, I decided not to salvage anything that is now available online. The final number of volumes that will need to be withdrawn, and how many can be saved is yet to be determined. I am using the conference room to stage the recovery work.
    Return to Work Plan:
    Sunday (today): M. D. Anderson remains closed. Only authorized employees are allowed in. Transition from Ride Out Team to Recovery Teams is happening today.
    Monday: M. D. Anderson will remain closed as the Recovery Team continue their work. Employees in Animal Care return to work on Monday. The Library remains closed.
    Tuesday: M. D. Anderson will be open for patient care activities. Employees involved in patient care will return to work. The Library remains closed.
    Wednesday: Anderson plans to return to normal operations and ALL employees are expected to return to work. The Library will reopen on Wednesday and expects to be fully operational.

    City Curfew:
    The city has announced a curfew effective today, through Saturday, Sept. 20, from 9pm to 6am. However, according to Houston Catastrophic Medical Operations Center, M. D. Anderson employees need only show their ID Badges if they are stopped on their way to work during the hours of the curfew. This will affect some of our staff who work the early and late shifts.

  8. Michelle Malizia Says:

    Frazar Memorial Library at McNeese State University in Lake Charles, LA, has reopened today.

  9. Jennifer Dagate Says:

    Chabert Medical Center, in Houma LA has reopened Sept. 18th. The hospital has roof and elevator damage but I am happy to report the library substained no damage.

  10. Karla Bourque Says:

    Update from Janet Burke at UT Medical Branch library in Galveston:

    1) All personnel are accounted for
    2) Employees on Bolivar and on the island lost homes
    3) Library suffered some damage on 1st floor
    4) Hospital will take 2 months to begin accepting patients again
    5) Janet, Anne, Pat, Julie are all okay
    6) Brett lost 1st floor of home on Tiki Island

  11. Michelle Malizia Says:

    Alvin Community College Library lost the roof during Hurricane Ike. They lost 50% of their computers, including staff computers, and 15% of the circulating book collection. Some of the nursing collection, which are some of their most circulating, were those that were destroyed.