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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Administration for Children and Families
Administration for Children, Youth and Families
1. Log No.: ACYF-CB-IM-01-11 2. Issuance Date: November 30, 2001
3. Originating Office: Children's Bureau
4. Key Words: Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review Guide


To: State and Territorial Agencies Administering or Supervising the Administration of Titles IV-B and IV-E of the Social Security Act

Subject: Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review Guide

Legal and Related References: Title IV-E of the Social Security Act and 45 CFR 1356

Purpose: The purpose of this information memorandum (IM) is to transmit to State agencies the Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review Guide (Review Guide) for their use prior to and during the title IV-E foster care eligibility reviews.

Information: This Review Guide can be used by Federal and State staff to assist States in complying with applicable statutory and regulatory provisions (42 U.S.C. 672 and 45 CFR 1356.71, respectively). It contains suggestions and guidance on planning, conducting, and completing a foster care eligibility review. It is intended to complement, not supplant, applicable statutory and regulatory provisions.

We have modified the on-site review instrument and the accompanying instructions and have included them in this Review Guide. The information memorandum issued on June 13, 2000 (ACYF-CB-IM-00-09), transmitting the on-site review instrument and the accompanying instructions, is now withdrawn and superseded by this IM.

Inquiries to: ACF Regional Offices

James A. Harrell
Acting Commissioner
Administration on Children, Youth and Families

Attachment: Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review Guide