Ares Education

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Visit the Ares Projects education page, your online source for Ares-related educational materials and information.

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Ares Public Outreach

Moon and Mars Exhibit

From speaking to school-age kids to exhibiting at your local state fair, Ares wants to share the story of America's new launch vehicles, Ares I and V.

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Latest News

    NASA Seeks Concept Proposals for Ares V Heavy Lift Rocket

    NASA issued a request for proposal for the Ares V rocket that will perform heavy lift and cargo functions as part of the next generation of spacecraft that will return humans to the moon. The request is for Phase I concept definition and requirements development for the Ares V rocket. Proposals are due to the Marshall Center Feb. 9. The Marshall Center manages the Ares V project.

    > News Release

Overview: Ares Launch Vehicles

    Artist concept of Ares I and Ares V rockets

    Ares I and Ares V. Image Credit: NASA

    NASA's Ares rockets, named for the Greek god associated with Mars, will return humans to the moon and later take them to Mars and other destinations.

    Future astronauts will ride to orbit on Ares I, which uses a single five-segment solid rocket booster, a derivative of the space shuttle's solid rocket booster, for the first stage. A liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen J-2X engine derived from the J-2 engine used on Apollo's second stage will power the crew exploration vehicle's second stage. The Ares I can lift more than 55,000 pounds to low Earth orbit.

    Planning and early design are under way for hardware, propulsion systems and associated technologies for NASA's Ares V cargo launch vehicle -- the "heavy lifter" of America’s next-generation space fleet. Ares V will serve as NASA's primary vessel for safe, reliable delivery of large-scale hardware to space -- from the lunar landing craft and materials for establishing a moon base, to food, fresh water and other staples needed to extend a human presence beyond Earth orbit.

    > More on Ares I
    > More on Ares I-X
    > More on Ares V

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