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Archive for November, 2006

Evaluation Learning Circles

I attended a session at the 2006 American Evaluation Association conference about building “evaluation capacity” in organizations and one presenter talked about “learning circles” as a way to teach evaluation methods. Others from NN/LM attended the session and confirmed to Susan and I that learning circles would be a worthwhile activity for the OERC to offer. (more…)

Cindy’s AEA Report

AEA has been my favorite professional conference since I started attending about 5 years ago. This year, I attended some of the same sessions as my colleagues, so I won’t report on those. Here are some other sessions that I thought were noteworthy. (more…)

The Agony of AEA ‘06– So Many Good Sessions, So Hard to Choose

I was only able to attend 1.5 days at AEA this year. But, for even a short time, it was well worth the drive to Portland. I loved seeing many of us RMLers at the meeting. I definitely agree with Heidi’s encouragement that everyone would benefit from participating in the conference in some way, some day.

Highlights of the conference for me…


Evaluation 2006 (AEA Annual Meeting) Doggy Bag from Heidi S.

Really just thrown in the “bag” following the conference. I would encourage all liaisons to attend this at least once!!!

Some notable PEOPLE in the field (per Betsy Kelly):

Ray Maiotta (coding)
Michael Quinn Patton


Evaluation 2006 (AEA Annual Meeting) Tidbits from Susan B.

The American Evaluation Association annual meeting was held in Portland, OR last week and I attended two workshops and several sessions of interest. Here is a selection of tidbits that I picked up:


International Conference on Evidence Based Library and Information Practice

The 4th International Conference on Evidence Based Library and Information Practice will be held May 2007 in Chapel Hill, hosted by the School of Information and Library Science at UNC Chapel Hill and the UNC Institute on Aging. The conference will be held May 6-9, followed by 2 days of continuing education. EBLIP4 welcomes proposals for high quality papers and posters of research and innovative applications of evidence-based library and information practice in library and information management. The deadline for abstracts is December 1. Full information about the conference is available at:

Types of Information Needs among Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review

Full citation: Ankem, K. Types of information needs among cancer patients: A systematic review. LIBRES 2005 Sept; 15 (2):

The Ankem article is a literature review and meta-analysis of articles investigating how the situational and demographic characteristics of cancer patients affects their need for different types of health information. For instance, the article reported that patients’ preferred role in making treatment-related decisions affects their need for information. Disease-related information was ranked highest in need, while information about social activities, sexual issues, and self-care issues received lower rankings. Gender, age, and time since diagnosis had some affect on how patients rated the importance of different types of information. This article provides insight into factors for librarians to consider when locating health information for cancer patients. (more…)