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Archive for October, 2006

A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Effect of E-learning, with a Taught Workshop, on the Knowledge and Search Skills of Health Professionals

Full Citation: Pearce-Smith N. A randomized controlled trial comparing the effect of e-learning, with a taught workshop, on the knowledge and search skills of health. EBLIP 2006; 1(3):44-56.

The randomized controlled-trial design is a method that can yield compelling evidence of a project’s success. (more…)

The Evidence Base for Cultural and Linguistic Competency in Health Care

Full Citation: Goode TD, Dunne MC, Bronheim SC. The Evidence Base for Cultural and Linguistic Competency in Health Care Executive Summary New York, NY: The Commonwealth Fund, 2006 Oct.

The link below is to an executive summary of a review of the evidence regarding the “impact of cultural and linguistic competence in health and mental health care on health outcomes and well-being and the costs and benefits to the system.” (more…)