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The “LIMB” Model: Lay Information Mediary Behavior

Abrahamson, J.A.; Fisher, K.E. “‘What’s past is prologue’: towards a general model of lay information mediary behaviour.” Information Research 12(4):October, 2007

Health information outreach is often aimed at information mediaries in addition to primary information seekers. The article defines lay information mediaries as “those who seek information in a non-professional or informal capacity on behalf (or because) of others without necessarily being asked to do so, or engaging in follow-up.” These individuals are also known as gatekeepers, change agents, communication channels, links, navigators, and innovators. The authors present a generalized model of information mediary characteristics, activities, motivations, barriers, facilitators and raise the question of what differences exist between primary information seekers and information mediaries, since “the caregiver-as-person may have information needs that vary from the caregiver-as-caregiver.” These are factors we can take into account in community assessment activities.