Newsletter 2007
Volume 7 - Issue 1

In This Issue:
Tech Time

Mashups, Web 2.0, and Your Library

A mashup is a Web application that combines data from more than one source into an integrated experience. This term is derived from a similar use in pop music, the practice of mixing two or more songs. 1

Mashups are an element of Web 2.0—with the Web evolving into a platform for performing tasks rather than merely a collection of static Web pages. With Web 2.0, Internet sites are more responsive by exchanging small amounts of data, increasing interactivity, speed, and usability.

Most mashups are in the experimental stage. Developers are combining Web services from companies like Microsoft, Google, eBay, Amazon, Flickr, Serena and Yahoo. For example, an application may use Google Maps and Flickr, enabling users to identify a location, and then view pictures of that location.

It may be easier to explain mashups by showing examples. Below are some mashups and a brief description of the application.

Take some time to explore and imagine the possibilities—ways mashups can help you serve your patrons. There was a Library Mashup Competition sponsored by the Talis Library and Information management company. This site describeds the competition, with ideas for mashups and actual entries:

Web Site combines Craigslist Rentals with Google Inc.'s Map Service.
Site uses Google Maps and Wikipedia to create a virtual tour or New York City.
Boston City Tour
Lillian, A Virtual Library. This was an entry in Talis Library Mashup Competition. (Move the cursor around Lillian's Head.)
Winner of the Talis Library Mashup Competition: Go-Go-Google Gadget (Gadgets for the Google Personalized Home Page From Ann Arbor District Library)
Talis Library Mashup Competition Entries
SoupSoup: News, Wikipedia, and Flickr. A Directory of Mashups and Web 2.0 Applications: Examples. Scroll down past the advertisements.

As mentioned above, most of these are experiments. So if you review sites listed on the Talis Library Mashup Competition site or the site, there is a possibility the application does not work. It may also take a few seconds for the page to load. Be patient, and experiment.

1 Wikipedia. Mashup (Web Application Hybrid) (Accessed September 14, 2007)

Questions? Comments? Please feel free to contact me at

Penny Glassman, Technoloy Coordinator


Comments to:
University of Massachusetts Medical School
222 Maple Avenue Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Phone:  800-338-7657
Fax:  508-856-5977