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Web based learning opportunity - mental health information

Caring for the Mind: Providing Reference Services for Mental Health Information

Responding to mental health reference questions is challenging for even the most experienced librarian. In “Caring for the Mind”, participants will learn how to effectively provide reference services for mental health information for the public. Participants will learn the best web sites, databases and collection development materials to respond to mental health related questions. Best approaches to handling challenging reference interviews will be explored. This class will increase your knowledge of consumer level mental health resources.

Course approved:

· 4 Medical Library Association contact hours

· May be applied towards the MLA Consumer Health Information Specialization.

· 2 additional credits pending for interactive sessions

Dates: November 10- Dec 5, 2008

Course is free!!!

Format: A course shell you can access online 24/7 at your own pace as well as two interactive online sessions (dates to be announced)


Reflections on readings
Resource review / literature searches
Mini quizzes – no grades! …for self assessment only.
Crossword fun!

Instructor: Michelle Eberle, Consumer Health Information Coordinator

Please contact instructor with any inquiries about course.

To register: Please contact Martha Pearson.

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