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Hearing from You

In December 2006 we began online renewals of you, our members. We also took that opportunity to ask you questions about the Middle Atlantic region web site and what services and information you would like to see. Of the 243 libraries that responded to the online renewal form as of the end of February 2007, 62 took the time to offer coments for what the RML site needs. Our top 5 responses were:

  • Courses/Continuing Education (20)
  • Docline Support (10)
  • Grant/Funding Opportunities (8)
  • Satisfied (7)
  • Information Resources Guidance (6)

Since we received these comments, we’ve added content to our Training & Educational Opportunities page, our Resource Sharing & Document Delivery page and the Funding page. And we’ll be working in the next few months to enhance our Information Resources guidance information, most likely within the Resource Sharing & Document Delivery page. As always, feel free to email us at or call at 1.800.338.7657. We’re glad to hear from you and we do act on what you tell us.

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