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NN/LM MAR Announces Outreach Evaluation Workshop Series

The goal of the Outreach Evaluation Workshop Series is to develop the ability of those who conduct health information outreach projects to gather and use evaluation data for program improvement and decision-making.

These first two workshops, in a series of four, are hosted by NN/LM MAR and taught by Susan Barnes and Cindy Olney of the Outreach Evaluation Resource Center, NN/LM Pacific Northwest, University of Washington.

Community Assessment (3 MLA CE credits)
This workshop will help librarians and others involved in health information outreach to design quality programs and garner support for those programs by taking the right first step: collecting community and needs assessment information about the groups of people who will be involved.

Planning Outcomes-Based Outreach Programs (3 MLA CE credits)
This workshop will help librarians and anyone interested in health information outreach to focus on what they want to accomplish by designing outreach programs around intended results. Participants will learn to construct logic models to plan health information outreach projects, with project outcomes as the pivotal part of the plan.

Class date: Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Class times: Community Assessment: 9:00-12:00; Planning Outcomes-Based Outreach Programs: 1:00-4:00
Location: New York University, Frederick L. Ehrman Medical Library, 550 First Ave., New York
Registration: Register for either or both classes by sending an email to

Registration is free. Class break refreshments and lunch are included for attendees. The classes are limited to 25 registrants. Please register by October 30, 2007.

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