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Hello from NYU Health Sciences Libraries!

It is our great pleasure to introduce ourselves: the New York University Health Sciences Libraries, with the flagship library of Frederick L. Ehrman Medical Library, as the new Regional Medical Library for the Middle Atlantic Region of Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

We are in the midst of a transition from the current RML to the RML at its new home at NYU. Everything from moving the 800 number (the number will stay the same!), hiring new staff and ensuring that questions are answered, exhibits staffed and the plan for the region takes shape seems to all be happening at once!

While we work on transferring the web site from NYAM to NYU - with great thanks to Denise O’Shea for her efforts in this - we will use this blog, as well as the MAR listserv, to communicate to all of you.

And to deliver on a promise we made to ourselves when we started this process - and made to network members who attended the regional sharing session at MLA - we are providing a link to our Technical Proposal to the National Library of Medicine that explains our proposed plan for the Region. Questions or comments? Email us at

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