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Global War on Terror

The events of September 11, 2001 tragically highlighted the increasing globalization of terrorism.  I believe that the United States can no longer afford to take the threat of terrorism lightly.  As a member of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, I have a hand in determining how our anti-terrorism funds are allocated.  Throughout my career in Congress, I have voted to increase funding for our military, intelligence, and homeland security infrastructure and operations.  I remain steadfast in my determination to aggressively purse the defeat of terrorism through military strength and a sound defensive posture. 
However, I also recognize the importance of fighting the very ideas and tenets upon which terrorism builds its support.  As Co-chair of Anti-Terrorism Caucus and Chair of the War on Terror Team for the Republican Conference, I am working hard to educate my colleagues in Congress and their staffs on those issues at the very heart of terrorism both here and abroad.
Success in the Global War on Terrorism
I strongly believe that only through continuing our strong military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan will we be able to bring about change in the future landscape of terrorism.  The progress made by our men and women in uniform in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past year is remarkable.  We must aid our troops in these efforts in the region by ensuring that they have the necessary equipment, personnel, and support to complete the mission at hand.
Success in Iraq will be defined by that country’s ability to stand on its own and unite its people against the oppression of insurgencies and terrorism.  We have a responsibility to the people of Iraq to aid them in that effort.  An independent Iraq is one with a sound infrastructure and educational system, a stable and productive economy, and the ability to fairly police its citizens and defend its borders.
We cannot leave this task unfinished or this struggling nation isolated in the region.  To do so would bring severe consequences to bear on both the people of Iraq and our nation’s security.  I am committed to doing my part in Congress to give our men and women the tools they need to successfully complete their mission.