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Library Space and Its Impact Conference Award Recipient Announced

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region is pleased to announce the awarding of the Library Space and Its Impact Conference Award to Cynthia Robinson, Director, Valerie Gross, Assistant Librarian, and Marie Fitzsimmons, Assistant Librarian, all of the George T. Harrell Health Sciences Library, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA.

The Library Space and Its Impact Conference Award is one award of $15,000. This award supports full network members to host a one-day conference on models or best practices in libraries’ reduction of space and/or re-purposing of existing space as well as identifying emerging roles for librarians in this changing environment. The award recipients will host a conference in April 2009 entitled, Transformational Change in Health Sciences Libraries: Space, Collections, Roles.

Congratulations to the award recipients.

For information on currently available NN/LM MAR awards, please visit the funding page on the MAR website,

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