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May 16, 2007
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Republicans' Irresponsible Delaying of Defense Bill


WASHINGTON, DC: House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement this afternoon:


"House Republicans have repeatedly exploited Democrats' pledge to abide by our fiscally responsible "pay-as-you-go" rules and offered motions to recommit to important bills which have no relationship to the issue at hand but solely to score political points, and often simply to kill the bill.
"For the last two months, I have talked with Republican leaders about how to retain the "pay-as-you-go" provision, which is key to adressing the exploding budget deficit caused by Republicans, but which has allowed them to play political gotcha games.
"Despite Republicans' claims, no rule change to end this political gamesmanship has been formally proposed.
"Yet, for the last six hours, Republicans have unfortunately and irresponsibly delayed consideration of a bill critical to our nation's defense.


"I have told Leader Boehner that I will continue my discussions with him and that there will not be a change before the Memorial Day recess."



