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Award Report - Take-home Resources and a Side of Knowledge

To reflect pricing changes between the award notification and receipt, a few minor changes had been made to the items purchased; instead of a four-tiered book display, we purchased a three-tiered display, instead of two packages of gifted bookplate sheets, we purchased one package. As a result of damage during shipping, we were able to obtain another 12-pocket literature display. After sanding down the rough plastic edge of the damaged display, we were able to use display in the administrative area rather than the public area. Now there are fewer brochures laying down on a table allowing more room and more information for the public’s perusal. Also because of the new displays, we were able to expand our brochure exposure to the seating area directly outside of the Library, as well as the seating inside the door. So far, the brochures have been taken with some frequency and the chairs are being used more by those walking by.

The intention of this award was to bring more exposure to the Library, enticing staff and members of the public to visit and check out the resources that are available. I would venture to say that that goal has been met – following the time that I put the new displays up more brochures have been taken home than previously, gauging by the number of times I’ve refilled the displays. In the past few weeks, I have talked to and met many more staff than in the year prior, partially because of the new placement of the displays. Also contributing to new conversation is the rearrangement of furniture of the circulation desk. Once the new displays were put out, I realized that it was difficult to strike up a conversation with someone if 1) I did not have a view of the Library door and 2) all they saw was the side of my face – it was much more difficult to make eye contact. Enlisting the help of coworkers, the main desk for circulation was turned so that it faced the incoming traffic, and pieces of the modular circulation desk were removed so that the result was an outward facing, functional area, receptive to conversation and meeting the needs of patrons.

Circulation of in house books has increased as well in response to the ‘conversation starters’, and the barcodes and call numbers have been well protected by the label protectors. I received a large donation of periodical titles two weeks ago and was able to create gift bookplates for first issues of each volume – the donator was pleasantly surprised by this courtesy and has recommended donation to her coworkers.

Overall, this award has not only done what it was intended to do, but it has also opened pathways to new ideas and possibilities for the Library – there are many changes on the horizon. A before and after photo will be posted on the DSAMH Medical Library webpage as soon as the page’s edits go through the approval process and can be found here:

Susanne Ingle, MSIS, MLS -Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Medical Library

New Castle, DE 19720

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