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    There are a total of 19862 record(s) matching your query.
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    Robotic system for the servicing of the orbiter thermal protection system

    Author(s): Graham, Todd; Bennett, Richard; Dowling, Kevin; Manouchehri, Davoud; Cooper, Eric; Cowan, Cregg
    Abstract: This paper describes the design and development of a mobile robotic system to process orbiter thermal protection system (TPS) tiles. This work was justified by a TPS automation study which identified tile rewaterproofing and ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 1994
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Accession Number: 95N23724; Document ID: 19950017304

    Extreme Velocity Wind Sensor

    Author(s): Perotti, Jose
    Abstract: This presentation provides an overview of the development of new hurricane wind sensor (Extreme Velocity Wind Sensor) for the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) which is designed to withstand winds of up to three hundred miles an ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 2002
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20020094336; Report Number: KSC-2002-110

    Thermal Performance of Cryogenic Piping Multilayer Insulation in Actual Field Installations

    Author(s): Fesmire, J.; Augustnynowicz, S.
    Abstract: A standardized way of comparing the thermal performance of different pipelines in different sizes is needed. Vendor data for vacuum-insulated piping are typically given in heat leak rate per unit length (W/m) for a specific ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 2002
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20020039045

    Galvanic Liquid Applied Coating System For Protection of Embedded Steel Surfaces from Corrosion

    Author(s): Curran, Joseph; Curran, Jerome
    Abstract: Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete is an insidious problem facing Kennedy Space Center (KSC), other Government Agencies, and the general public. These problems include KSC launch support structures, highway bridge ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 2002
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20020051539

    Innovative mechanism for measuring the mass properties of an object

    Author(s): Wolcott, Kedron R.; Graham, Todd A.; Doty, Keith L.
    Abstract: The Kennedy Space Center Robotics Group recently completed development and testing on a novel approach to measure the mass properties of a rigid body. This unique design can measure the payload's weight, mass center ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 1994
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Accession Number: 94N33299; Document ID: 19940028793

    Sensor Applications at Kennedy Space Center (KSC)

    Author(s): Perotti, Jose M.; Eckhoff, Anthony J.
    Abstract: Transducers used at KSC (Kennedy Space Center), in support of processing and launch of flight vehicles and payloads, are designed and tested to meet specific program requirements. Any equipment, transducer or support ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 2001
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20020051126

    A Shape-Memory Alloy Thermal Conduction Switch for Use at Cryogenic Temperatures

    Author(s): Vaidyanathan, Raj
    Abstract: The following summarizes the activities performed under NASA grant NAG10-323 from September 1, 2002 through September 30, 2004 at the. University of Central Florida. A version of this has already been submitted for ...
    NASA Center: Glenn Research Center, Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 2004
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20050061143

    Expert Seeker: A People-Finder Knowledge Management System

    Author(s): Becerra-Fernandez, Irma
    Abstract: The first objective for this report was to perform a comprehensive research of industry models currently being used for similar purposes, in order to provide the Center with ideas of what is being done in area by private ...
    NASA Center: Goddard Space Flight Center, Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 2000
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20040008849

    SMART (Shop floor Modeling, Analysis and Reporting Tool Project

    Author(s): Centeno, Martha A.; Garcia, Maretys L.; Mendoza, Alicia C.; Molina, Louis A.; Correa, Daisy; Wint, Steve; Doice, Gregorie; Reyes, M. Florencia
    Abstract: This document presents summarizes the design and prototype of the Shop floor Modeling, Analysis, and Reporting Tool (S.M.A.R.T.) A detailed description of it is found on the full documentation given to the NASA liaison. This ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 1999
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 19990052768

    Evaluation of the 29-km Eta Model

    Author(s): Nutter, Paul A.; Manobianco, John
    Abstract: This paper describes an objective verification of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) 29-km eta model from May 1996 through January 1998. The evaluation was designed to assess the model's surface and ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 1998
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20010071978

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    Last Updated: July 5, 2007